$Id: Changes,v 1.5 2005/03/05 14:14:27 guy Exp $

Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Ezmlm.

0.01  Sun Oct 31 12:58:16 1999
   - original version; created by h2xs

0.02  Wed Jan 26 07:59:10 SAST 2000
   - Added functions to check various options
      (ismodsub, ismodpost, isremote, isdeny, isallow, isdigest)
   - Allowed sub, unsub, list, subscribers, issub to work with list subparts
      (ie, the allow, deny, mod, digest sub directories)
   - Changed system() calls to safer ones (ie command, switches)
   - Made error handling better (errmsg() and errno())
   - Added support for creating MySQL tables via ezmlm-mktab

0.03 Mon Sep 25 11:49:26 SAST 2000
   - fixed the issub() function
	- fixed the problem with dashes in hostnames.
   - hopefully got rid of some of the warnings from sub() and unsub()

0.04 Mon May 26 18:15:38 SAST 2003
   - fixed return value of Makefile.PL (Andrew Pam <xanni@glasswings.com.au>)
   - fixed issub() (again) to handle parts properly (bug 602; moguo@servism.com)
   - converted module global variables to instance variables

0.05 Sat Mar  5 12:47:10 SAST 2005
   - fixed forced scalar return in subscribers() (Jon Coulter <ledjon@ledjon.com>)
   - fixed handling of dashes in hostnames (bug 5571; Lars Braeuer <lbraeuer@mpex.net>)
   - fixed some tainting problems (Scott Beck <sbeck@gossamer-threads.com> and Matt Simerson <matt@tnpi.biz>)
   - fixed order of control/defaulthost and control/me (bug 1515)
   - fixed a bug in Makefile.PL (bug 11771).  does not affect most users, so released as 0.05.1