1.01 - XXXX-XX-XX:
  - fix pattern matching which treated TLDs like "de" as IPv6 addresses.
  - when an object is identified as an IP address, make sure Net::IP->new returns an object before trying to use it.
  - implemented --version argument.

1.00 - 2024-05-30:
  - bump version to 1.00 as PAUSE ignores 0.1x version numbers as they are lower than 0.9 (:facepalm:)
  - display a list of redacted fields where provided
  - support TLD queries by directly querying the IANA RDAP server.

0.11 - 2024-05-30:
 - handle help queries better.

0.10 - 2024-05-29:
 - add missing dependencies to Makefile.PL.

0.9 - 2024-05-29:
  - fix copyright notice.

0.8 - 2024-05-29:
  - when --short argument is used, the EPP status mappings are omitted.
  - fix --registrar
  - output is nicely wrapped to fit into your terminal.

0.7 - 2023-05-18:
  - remove unneeded dependency.
  - add documentation about Docker.

0.6 - 2023-05-18:
  - convert to module so it can be distributed via CPAN.

0.5 - 2022-10-06:
  - this space left intentionally blank.

0.4 - 2022-10-06:
  - add this file.
  - add --registrar argument.