Revision history for perl module Business::CompanyDesignator

0.05   2013-12-07

    * Bump perl version requirement to 5.010001 (thanks Andreas Koenig).
    * Sync bundled company_designator.yml with upstream.

0.04   2013-11-14

    * Remove symlinks from tarball for windows compatibility.

0.03   2013-10-15

    * Fix bad race condition where abbr_long_map aliases could get NFDed.
    * Add missing dependencies to Makefile.PL.
    * Make Changes file CPAN::Changes::Spec-compatible.

0.02   2013-10-09

    * Fill out perldocs in B::CD and B::CD::Record.
    * Refactor and simplify regex assembly code.
    * Add Business::CompanyDesignator->record() and records() methods.
    * Add Business::CompanyDesignator::Record and unit tests.
    * Refactor split_designator, pulling out shared _split_designator_result.

0.01   2013-09-28

    * Allow optional trailing commas after periods, and escape () properly.
    * Change strip_designator to split_designator, handle capturing trailing content.
    * Update to allow random whitespace after periods in designators.
    * Add regexp variants without unicode diacritics to catch misspellings.
    * Add Unicode::Normalize magic to Business::CompanyDesignator.
    * Add install_share to Makefile.PL; make regex comparisons case-insensitive.
    * Rename designator_regex() to regex(); add test data to t/10_strip_designator.t.
    * Add pattern maps, workaround Regexp::Assemble quantifier bugs.
    * Initial import.