Revision history for Box2D

0.02    16/06/2011
        using Alien::Box2D 0.103 (no cmake) [FROGGS]
        Added get and set gravity [kthakore]
        Added other copy right ppl [kthakore]
        Fixed b2Body::GetTransform and added tests [jtpalmer]
        Added b2Mat22, b2Transform and tests [jtpalmer]
        Fixed b2Body::GetLinearVelocity and added tests [jtpalmer]
        Added b2FixtureDef::restitution and tests [jtpalmer]
        Can pass subroutines... we have an observer pattern [kthakore]
        Using b2Contact to do a simple userdata carry over of scalar stuff in example [kthakore]
        Replace b2CircleShape::SetRadius with b2Shape::m_radius [jtpalmer]
        Formatting and comment changes [jtpalmer]
        Added b2CircleShape, tests and example [jtpalmer]
        added early_include for solaris to inject sys/vnode.h [FROGGS]

0.01    19/05/2011 
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
        Added basic set of classes
        Added perl contact listeners