Revision history for POEx-Role-PSGIServer: 1.103341

1.103341  2010-11-30 16:11:52 America/New_York

1.103340  2010-11-30 16:03:34 America/New_York
        Moved the code to K&R brace style to work around a stupid MXD bug
        under 5.12 perls.  Oy ve.

1.103331  2010-11-29 10:18:00 America/New_York
        Declare dependency on latest POEx::Role::TCPServer and use around for
		BUILDARGS rather than method.

1.102531  2010-09-10 13:11:09 America/Los_Angeles
        Throw some defaults on listen_ip and listen_port so we don't explode when plackup doesn't pass them to us (frodwith)

1.102530  2010-09-10 12:14:32 America/Los_Angeles
        Some bugs (poll_cb) in the streaming interface fixed, along with a small test fix (frodwith)

1.101040  2010-04-14 08:35:12 America/Chicago
        BUILDARGS needs to return /all/ of the args, not just the ones Plack cares about

1.101020  2010-04-12 15:39:30 America/Chicago
        Initial Release