0.05 2015-05-19
+ Removed File::Slurp::Tiny,
+ Changed Changes file format
+ Added Sweet::SFTP
+ Added Sweet::Now
+ Added Sweet::Types
+ Sweet::File::dir coerces to Sweet::Dir
+ use Perl v5.12

0.04 2015-04-30
+ Added code coverage report
+ Added Sweet::Dir::file_list
+ Moved from File::Slurp to File::Slurp::Tiny,
  thanks to [an issue opened by ETHER](https://github.com/fibo/Sweet-Home-pm/issues/1)

0.03 2015-04-20
+ Added class diagram
+ Can build Sweet::File passsing only path
+ Sweet::Dir->file accepts optional sub builder reference

0.02 2015-01-23
+ Delimited separated value files:
    `- Sweet::File::CSV
+ both sub_dir('foo','bar') and sub_dir(['foo','bar']) work
+ Dir path is lazy, so a child class can do roles
+ use namespace::autoclean

0.01 2014-12-11
+ First release