Revision history for Perl extension PDF::Template.
0.01 Wed Feb 13 15:31:36 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
0.02 Mon Mar 3 16:44:00 2002
- Swapped LMARGIN and RMARGIN (they were backwards)
- Adding the "always" concept, clarifying when things are rendered
- More test cases, which double as examples
- Rolf Beutner - Text color
- Robert Graff - US Paper sizes
- Christian Frantsen - Add width parameter for <line>
- Cleaned up test 2 (t2.xml)
- New test cases
- Fixed bug in get_buffer(). Thanks Marco!
- now checks for installed
0.05 Mon Jul 8 2002
- Added missing test file to manifest
- determine image type from file extension if it wasn't passed in (Mike Andreev)
- Chg required version of pdflib to 4.0 (necessary for PDF_setcolor)
- Added <circle> object (thanks Andy Thaller)
- bug fix for __FIRST__
- Adding operators to conditional
- Adding all sorts of image justification stuff (not sure it works yet though)
- Adding image border
- Added unicode support (not tested yet)
- Adding support for external fonts
- bug fix for images rendering when they shouldn't
- Added image test
- Added conditional test
- Added font test
The font test uses impact.ttf. I grabbed this off of a website, it is probably
not legal for me to include it. I'll find a free truetype font soon to replace
it with.
- Fixed bug with <page-break> that wasn't in a loop
- Fixed bug with multiple top level <loop>
- thanks to Mike Andreev for many of the enhancements this version