revision : 1.02
date : 2009/12/21 11:44:18
correct code for SPLICE
add SLICE code ( to allow use of $t->SLICE() to easilly get all the elements from the object
revision : 1.01
date : 2009/12/18 15:18:33
use the expiration value in EXPIRE and not a absolute ticks
remove FETCHTIME and PUSHTIME ( and use extra parameter to put of fetch at a specific offset)
 FETCH, LAST, FISRT, POP, and SHIFT return the value in scalar context, in array context return ( key, value ) 
revision : 0.55
date : 2008/9/24 13:22:05
add serialize feature
revision : 0.50
date : 2008/6/19 16:06:20
add delete_on_error and exit_on_error parameter 
revision : 0.48
date : 2008/6/16 15:00:42
add UNSHIFT feature
revision : 0.38
date : 2008/4/11 13:05:33
add MODE creation for the DB file when tying
revision : 0.37
date : 2008/4/11 10:28:15
add SPLICE feature
----------------------------revision : 0.36
date : 2008/4/10 18:56:37
first full functional version