Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-FAYLAND

0.16    2018-12-21
        Added minimum perl version (manwar)

0.15    2018-12-20
        adding missing prereqs (manwar)

0.14    2015-05-26
        fix requirements

0.13    2015-05-26
        replace ContributorsFromGit with Git::Contributors

0.12    2013-11-05
        put Test::Compile before PerlTidy to avoid breaking text-template

0.11    2013.03.13
        add ContributorsFromGit

0.10    2012.10.23
        CompileTests (deprecated) => Test::Compile (Olivier Mengué dolmen)
        DZ: Use [Bootstrap::lib] to use our own @FAYLAND for build (Olivier Mengué dolmen)

0.09    2011.07.26
        remove Readme

0.08    2011.04.23
        from LoadTests to CompileTests

0.07    2010.11.11
        add MetaJSON

0.06    2010.11.06
        use LoadTests instead of CompileTests (because CompileTests returns 'skipped: no tests to run')

0.05    2010.10.14
        fix UNKNOWN test

0.04    2010.10.13
        add CompileTests

0.03    2009.10.27
        for new dzil

0.02    2009.7.27
        for the new dzil

0.01    2009.5.19
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.