Revision history for App-Qmail-DMARC

0.7     2019-11-21 04:35
        fixed handling of mails which have no From header line

0.61    2019-11-09 20:50
        Better solution for not adding debug messages during
        exceptions which occured in an eval

0.60    2019-11-09 14:57
        Switched to Mail::SPF due to issues with non-standard result
        codes (like "unknown") returned by Mail::SPF::Query

0.51    2019-06-30 18:08
        Do not end feedback message to qmail with newline.

0.50    2019-04-02 00:53
        Do no longer enforce special rules for local domains.

0.43    2019-03-29 03:49
        Do not pass empty RFC5321.MailFrom to Mail::DMARC::PurePerl,
        because it does not like that.

0.42    2019-03-19 00:07
        prepared first release for CPAN