Revision history for App::AltSQL

v0.05 Fri, 01 Jun 2012 12:49:25 -0400
  - Adding pre-release Term::Plugin::SyntaxHighlight and View::Plugin::VerticalSorted
  - Customizable prompt in altsql config with substitutions (and test file)
  - Cache autocomplete and fix minor issue with it
  - Allow CLI -p to override .my.cnf if empty string
  - Refactor Model::MySQL render_prompt into parse_prompt
  - Add setup() method to subclasses
  - View::Plugin::UnicodeBox header_reminder option (default: 100)

v0.04 Tue, 29 May 2012 08:51:45 -0400

  - Fixing build dependency issue

v0.03  Fri, 25 May 2012 15:39:15 -0400

  - Adding Dump plugin [contributed by]
  - Parsing of .my.cnf w/ tests [contributed by]
  - Change the prompt with .my.cnf 'prompt' setting
  - Adding INSTALL document and some minor build changes
  - Use JSON instead of JSON::XS
  - Make non-critical dependencies optional

v0.02  Fri May 18 10:33:00 2012 -0400

  - Remove unused dependency on Switch

v0.01  Wed May 16 10:07:51 2012 -0400

  - Initial release