1.012 2024-09-21
- add "contours", "fits", "polylines" plot types
1.011 2024-04-22
- P{GPLOT,Lplot} to read devices using proper API not subprocesses
- if PDL_SIMPLE_ENGINE in ENV, use ONLY that if engine unspecified
- each driver module now publishes which $P:G:S::API_VERSION it conforms to
- PGS::register takes hashref instead of magic var in driver namespace
- loading driver module not eval-ed
- PDL_SIMPLE_DEVICE in env replaces driver guessing
- PDL_SIMPLE_OUTPUT in env overrides input parameters
1.010 2024-03-24
- fix PGPLOT to read devices correctly
1.009 2023-01-28
- Prima driver now working again - thanks @dk
1.008 2022-12-29
- fix precedence error in PDL::Graphics::Simple::PGPLOT
1.007 2021-08-17
- tests will skip_all if no engines installed to minimise false negatives
1.006 2021-08-16
- in ::PGPLOT, can set PGPLOT_DEV in env to override for "interactive" so automated tests don't hang
- in ::PLplot and ::Gnuplot add Qt devices
1.005 2013-03-25
- require PGG >= 1.5 for Gnuplot to work
- use newer curve option style
- justify images by default; document sepiatone behavior
1.004 2013-03-21
- autojustify images
1.003 2013-03-20
- Fix tests for smoker compatibility
1.002 2013-03-20
- window name, default to inches
1.001 2013-03-20
- Include Prima support
1.000 2013-03-14
- initial CPAN release