Revision history for MooseX-AlwaysCoerce

0.23      2016-02-16 04:29:21Z
    - update some distribution tooling

0.22      2015-08-16 03:04:21Z
    - update some distribution tooling

0.21      2013-11-30 18:13:01Z
    - re-release to fix compile test

0.20      2013-09-17 01:32:52Z
    - fixed bad test plan

0.19      2013-09-17 01:29:18Z
    - warnings tests bypassed during installation
    - repository has moved to the GitHub Moose organization

0.18      2012-10-13 23:57:07Z
    - added missing prerequisite declaration
    - added lots more metadata; kwalitee should be improved

0.17  2012-06-01 17:52:39Z
    - conversion to Dist::Zilla

0.16  2011-03-16
    - bump minimum required Package::Stash and namespace::autoclean versions
      in dependencies, to reduce invalid cpantesters reports. (The toolchain
      already reports on conflicting Package::Stash, but not everything
      is catching that.)

0.15  2011-03-14
    - bump minimum required MooseX::ClassAttribute version in dependencies, to
      ensure compatibility with the upcoming Moose 2.0 release.

0.14  2011-03-08
    - add support within roles, using the new applied_attribute feature
      available in Moose 1.99/2.0 (doy)

0.13  2011-03-07
    - fixed class attribute and parameterized role TODO tests to work again
      with the latest MooseX::Role::Parameterized (Karen Etheridge)
    - converted tests to Test::Fatal (Karen Etheridge)

0.12  2010-10-08 12:14:54 PDT
    - ...and again.

0.11  2010-10-08 12:05:42 PDT
    - fix mangled distribution tarball (Karen Etheridge)

0.10  2010-10-08 10:03:53 PDT
    - avoid giving class attributes to the metaclass, which was triggering an
      edge case bug in metaclass compat (Jesse Luehrs)

0.09  2010-08-05 03:42:07
    - support attributes without isa, correctly

0.08  2010-08-05 03:14:37
    - make a test safer

0.07  2010-08-05 03:10:12
    - support class_has with no isa (Karen Etheridge)

0.06  2010-07-28 00:58:50
    - Use modern Moose APIs, to avoid warnings with Moose 1.09 (Karen Etheridge)

0.05  2010-07-13 00:05:10
    - support types without coercion (Schwern)

0.04  2010-03-06 05:28:01
    - remove t/00-load.t (was failing)

0.03  2009-06-16 17:50:12
    - make coerce => 0 work for class_has

0.02  2009-06-16 17:23:29
    - rewritten using metaroles, the Moose way

0.01  2009-06-15 22:18:34
    - releasing...