Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::Skip32.

0.05  Wed Sep 26 23:44:21 2007
	- Added unit test using optional Crypt::CBC (not recommended).
	- Added unit tests with optional Test::Pod, Test::Pod::Coverage,
	- Added SIGNATURE file with PGP signed SHA1 signatures of files.
	- Documentation cleanup including bugfix in example code.
	- Lowering required Perl to 5.8.0 to see if tests pass for a
	  wider audience.
	- Changed to my unobfuscated email address in case automated
	  CPAN tools can use it.  I'll worry about spam on the
	  receiving end.

0.04  Wed Sep 26 04:46:50 2007
	- Altered error messages to include package info.
        - Additional documentation, more useful example, doc cleanup.

0.03  Sun Sep 23 14:19:22 2007
        - More unit tests, better length checking, cleaned up docs.

0.02  Sun Sep 23 01:08:44 2007
        - Added actual code, unit tests, documentation, etc.

0.01  Sat Sep 22 13:58:10 2007
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
          -XA -n Crypt::Skip32