Revision history for Perl extension Sub::Contract
0.00 2007-02-20
- alfa version, still under development
0.01 2008-04-25
- releasing alfa version
0.02 2008-04-28
- replace Hook::WrapSub with builtin equivalent to enable memoizing later on
- more tests
- added benchmarking
0.03 2008-04-29
- improve code generation
- more POD
- more tests
0.04 2008-05-07
- named contract closure and make it visible in error stack traces
- fixed dependencies
0.05 2008-05-22
- skip tests if missing module dependencies
- added is_a
- implemented Cache
0.06 2008-05-24
- fixed broken dependency. thanks to Maddingue!
- added benchmarking for inline variant
0.07 2008-06-16
- force calling context based on ->out()
- better validation of return values
- pod++
- smarter compiler
0.08 2008-06-17
- pod++
- better error messages
- implemented cache profiler
0.09 2008-06-18
- fix shared cache bug
0.10 2009-06-02
- Sub::Contract now uses its own cache implementation to improve speed
- a cache's max size is now a number of entries instead of a memory size
- added is_not(), is_one_of(), is_all_of()
- renamed undef_or() and defined_and()
- pod++
0.11 2009-06-08
- bugfix: refused to cache undef results
- pod++
- added find_contract to Sub::Contract::Pool