Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Translate::Apertium

0.04  September 30, 2007

    * Fixed a bug that prevented the module to work properly since the last
      update of the Apertium online test drive.
      In order to do so, switched from WWW::Mechanize to LWP::UserAgent.
      Changed the code to adapt it to the new output encoding, utf-8.
      Updated Makefile.PL and the documentation accordingly.

0.03  September 20, 2007

    * Edited Makefile.PL to include the license field in META.yml

0.02  May 3, 2007
    * META.yml conforms to spec 1.0
    * Added the get_pairs() method and updated the documentation

0.01  March 26, 2007
    * First version, based on WWW::Translate::interNOSTRUM