# $URL: http://perlcritic.tigris.org/svn/perlcritic/trunk/Perl-Critic-More/Changes $
# $Date: 2008-05-18 19:23:38 -0500 (Sun, 18 May 2008) $
# $Author: clonezone $
# $Revision: 2371 $
[0.999_002] Released on 2008-05-18
Bug Fix:
* Modules::PerlMinimumVersion now handles $PERL_VERSION being an object,
as it is in perl 5.10.
[0.999_001] Released on 2008-05-04
Policy moved:
* ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers has been moved into the
core Perl::Critic distribution.
* Now requires Perl::Critic 1.082.
[0.16] Released on 2007-08-12
Bugfix release
* PPI version back down to 1.118, but turn off ProhibitMagicNumbers with older PPI
* work around v-string warning
[Thanks to users of CPAN::Reporter for identifying bugs!]
[0.15] Released on 2007-08-10
Bugfix release
* Readonly dependency omitted
* PPI version => 1.199_03
[0.14] Released on 2007-08-09
New Policies:
* ErrorHandling::RequireUseOfExceptions
* ValuesAndExpressions::RestrictLongStrings
* ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers
[0.12] Released on 2006-11-23
New Policies:
* CodeLayout::RequireASCII
* Modules::RequirePerlVersion
* Modules::PerlMinimumVersion
(depends on CPAN module Perl::MinimumVersion > 0.13)
[0.11] Released on 2006-11-15
Upload to the right PAUSE account this time...
[0.1] Released on 2006-11-15
Create this new distribution by moving stuff from the core Perl::Critic
New Policies:
* Editor::RequireEmacsFileVariables