0.04 6 April 2012
Brought up to the latest code esthetics. Stopped doing unneccessary
BEGIN block magic. Verifies it runs on 5.14.2, threaded and unthreaded.
Added LICENSE parameter to allow MetaCPAN to show license info.
0.03 1 February 2004
Changed internal workings to use %Carp::Internal to indicate module
names that shouldn't be listed in a traceback. As per suggestion of
Perl Monk tilly. This however only works for Perl 5.8.0 and higher.
Change the removal optimization slightly for other versions of Perl.
29 January 2004
Minor first 4 line regex removal optimization.
Minor nits in the documentation.
0.02 29 January 2004
Fixed problem with extra lines in "cluck" and "confess" types of
handling. All intermediate levels in Log::Dispatch::xxx modules
are now removed.
0.01 28 January 2004
First version of Log::Dispatch::Perl.