Revision history for Perl extension Net-sFlow

0.13 2024-07-02T11:02:20Z

0.13 2024-07-02T10:51:40Z
  + decode sample type 2201 (http_counters)
  + fixed issue #4 impacting decode of datagrams received over IPv6
    thanks ryan! :D

v. 0.12
  + fixed typo in POD, Synopsis
  + decode sample type 7 (lag_port_stats)
    thanks andrew! :D
  + don't trash already decoded data
    thanks andrew! :D

v. 0.11
  + can handle vlan tagged sflow packets now
  + boundary checks eased a little... some things are allowed to be 0
  + IPv6 address decoding fixed
  + community list presentation changed
    thanks ben! :D

v. 0.10
  + foundry enterprise type 1991 added, to decode foundry acl based samples

v. 0.09
  + bugfix - length values for strings must be multiple word size

v. 0.08
  + localpref didn't exist pre v4
  + sFlowAsPath{lengthAsList} = 1; for sflow <= v4
  + some typos fixed
  + boundary checks on values taken from datagram used as iterator
  + boundary checks on values taken from datagram used as offset for unpack()
    thanks ilja! :D

v. 0.07
  + bugfix - ifInOctets, ifInDiscards
  + bugfix - $sFlowSample->{ifAdminStatus}, $sFlowSample->{ifOperStatus}
    thanks wogri! :D
  + bugfix - examples/ in printing DestMac address

v. 0.06
  + add padding to datalength if smaller then 64Byte
  + assume all packets type 'other' as 64 bytes
  + ip v4 address decoding in samples fixed
  + decode gateway - bugfix
  + ether type constants added
  + HeaderVer renamed to HeaderType
  + HeaderType returns the corresponding ether type code

v. 0.05
  - removed chars from version
  + binary header for debugging retured as well ($sFlowSample->{HeaderBin})
  + LICENSE file added
  + pod error fixed
  + example script added
  + check for vlan tag and add 4 bytes to length if present
  + ARP header length returned as 64 byte

v. 0.04X
  + formatiing
  + off by one error fixed
  + some more bugs fixed

v. 0.03X
  + ether header decoding also in (much faster!)
  + agent ip fixed, N instead of B32
  + undef added, line: ($sFlowSample->{$keyName}) = 
    unpack("a$offset B32", $sFlowDatagramPacked);
  + s/Labes/Label/

v. 0.03
  + offset for unpack to avoid substr
  + single quotes in case no double quotes needed
  + dereference data only once in subs
  + Net::IP:bintoip() replaced

v. 0.02
  + fix: sub _decodeEthernetFrameData, substr 24 not 20
  - flowDataLength not in sample hash anymore
  + fix: header size byte for substr must be mod 4 == 0