Revision history for

v. 0.02
  + fix: sub _decodeEthernetFrameData, substr 24 not 20
  - flowDataLength not in sample hash anymore
  + fix: header size byte for substr must be mod 4 == 0

v. 0.03
  + offset for unpack to avoid substr
  + single quotes in case no double quotes needed
  + dereference data only once in subs
  + Net::IP:bintoip() replaced

v. 0.03X
  + ether header decoding also in (much faster!)
  + agent ip fixed, N instead of B32
  + undef added, line: ($sFlowSample->{$keyName}) = unpack("a$offset B32",
  + s/Labes/Label/

Elisa Jasinska <>