0.16 2023-07-24
- Use 'field' instead of 'labeled' to find form elements for input,
making sure that elements can be found by 'id', 'name' or 'title'
attributes as well as based on the content of an associated LABEL
0.15 2020-11-22
- Fix uninitialized variable warning in input step "I enter X into Y"
- Remove duplicated preamble in 'widget_steps.pl' step file
0.14 2020-04-26
- Add steps 'When I fill in:' and 'When I fill "<>" with "<>"'
to manage form content.
0.13 2019-08-24
- Eliminate undefined value warning on template evaluation
0.12 2019-08-19
- Increase Weasel::Driver::Mock dependency (TestDep) to be in line with
the driver role version of this dist
- Fix missing closing double quote in image title (logger index html)
0.11 2019-08-10
- Correct Weasel::Session dependency; the minimum should be 0.11
as that provides the 'state' attribute
0.10 2019-08-04
- Add visual indication of features with failed scenarios
- Run all scenarios of a feature in a single Weasel session
when tagged @weasel-single-session' (opens the possibility of
caching page assets)
0.09 2019-06-30
- Add table of contents to feature log files
- Report per-step completion status
0.08 2019-06-29
- In the HTML logs, link to screenshots, even if those are in a
separate directory (using relative URLs)
- Add an index HTML file, for an overview of the feature logs
- Don't generate empty screenshots at the start of a session
- Eliminate logging of internal session interaction (e.g. screenshots)
0.07 2019-06-21
- Change minimum Perl version to static declaration in dist.ini
- Resolve undefined variable warnings with logging enabled
- Add support for Test::BDD::Cucumber 0.57+
(improved post-step extension hook)
- Screenshot generation improvements:
- no screenshots without logging
- prevent screenshots from various features overwriting each other
- add styling in html log for screenshots
0.06 2019-02-22
- Actually write the HTML log when steps/scenarios/features
- Improve default HTML log template
- Anticipate change in T::B::C::Extension::post_step()'s
'$failed' argument (which turns into '$result' in the
hopefully near future)
0.05 2019-02-21
- Add HTML logging of features/scenarios/steps interspersed
with screenshots and web page interactions (driver commands)
0.04 2018-09-21
- Check return values from 'syscalls' (open/close/print/etc)
0.03 2018-09-13
- Clear text boxes/inputs before sending new input using the
"When I enter ... into ..." step
0.02 2016-06-30
0.01 2016-06-23