Revision history for Piper

0.04      2017-03-12 16:28:23-04:00 America/New_York

    [ CHANGES ]

          - Replaced 'any' in has_pending with short-circuiting for loop
             - Fixes segfault in Perl versions 10 and 12 (thanks @CPANTesters!)

0.03      2017-02-28 22:15:27-05:00 America/New_York

    [ CHANGES ]

          - Added LICENSE to POD (thanks @manwar)

0.02      2017-02-28 08:56:28-05:00 America/New_York


          - Method eject sends data to parent's drain instead of main drain
             - Old behavior becomes $instance->main->eject
          - Method inject sends data to parent's queue instead of main
             - Old behavior becomes $instance->main->inject

    [ CHANGES ]
          - Added methods has_pending and flush
          - Coerce enabled attribute to boolean

0.01      2017-02-20 10:15:01-05:00 America/New_York

          - Initial release.