0.09 Mon Feb 15 09:35:57 GMT-3 2010
- Minor POD correction
- Added IPC::Run and Moose 0.90 to dependencies
0.08 Fri Feb 12 03:29:31 GMT-3 2010
- Added README
- Explicitly using Carp::confess instead of relying on Moose exports
0.07 Tue Feb 9 15:50:28 GMT 2010
- (somewhat belatedly) removed 'get_attribute_map' (deprecated in Moose 0.93)
0.06 Tue Oct 13 15:22:06 BST 2009
- Attributes starting with '_' are ignored
0.05 Tue Jun 2 17:27:38 BST 2009
- Added POD
- Added trait attribute: 'cmdopt_env'
- allow ENV variables to be set rather than command line params
- private: _attr_name_to_cmd_options()
- changed to _attr_to_cmd_options (i.e. attribute not attribute name)
to provide more flexibility
0.04 Fri Dec 5 10:43:01 GMT 2008
- Updated MANIFEST
- Require IPC::Cmd => 0.42 (RT #41450)
0.03 2008-10-22 19:17:00
- Added: attribute trait:
- lib/MooseX/Role/Cmd/Meta/Attribute/Trait.pm
- Added: tests and test/lib
- t/lib/Test/Cmd/Dir.pm
- t/lib/Test/Cmd/DirWithTraits.pm
- t/traits.t
- Changed: lib/MooseX/Role/Cmd.pm
- Added the attribute trait
- Added extra logic to decide how to call args '--verbose' or '-v'
- Can also use the CmdOpt trait to explicitly specify the prefix '-verbose'
- Added methods:
- cmd_args()
- _attr_name_to_cmd_options()
0.02 2008-10-15 12:37:00
- fixed tests
0.01 2007-12-10 21:20:00
- initial release