Revision history for Perl extension Minion-Backend-MongoDB
1.05 2019-12-18T14:31:45Z (ebruni)
- Added a method (purge) to delete jobs older
1.04 2019-12-18T10:01:31Z (ebruni)
- According to changes in Minion v10.00, now it's possible, for locks, to be
reset without resetting the whole queue. Now, in reset, it's mandatory to
explicitly state what needs to be destroyed.
1.03 2019-10-14T15:40:00Z (ebruni)
- MongoDB's primary key (_id) is an object (BSON::OID) so ids of workers,
jobs and so on are currently objects too. This is ambiguous because, when
search for a specific id, Pg backend expected a string and also returned
ids are strings (integers). To remove this ambiguity, now every external
reference ids are strings as an hexadecimal rappresentation of internal
BSON::OID object. If you need the id as an object, backend exports an
experimental _oid method which converts a 24-length hexadecimal strings
into a BSON::OID.
- Removed a memory leak while reading notifications table
- Solved bug in job->note when no arguments passed (issues/3)
- Optimization in job->note where now you can set/remove items at one time
1.02 2019-09-02T08:03:19Z (ebruni)
- Add cleanup event, note options according to Minion v9.12 an v9.13
- Added some version check in mongo.t to be compatible to all Minion >= v9.00
1.01 2019-08-28T16:27:34Z (ebruni)
- Solved a memory leak-like bug in dequeuing jobs.
1.00 2019-08-07T11:20:06Z (ebruni)
- Full support for Minion > 9.0 and MongoDB > 2.0
0.97 2015-06-27T07:35:30Z (avkhozov)
- Initial release