Revision history for Perl extension TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP.
3.35 2019-03-02T19:18:31Z
- Fixed Postgres 11 primary key query incompatibility in `pg_tapgen` by
checking the `pg_index.indisprimary` column instead of
`pg_catalog.relhaspkey`, since the latter has been removed. Thanks to
@KiriakosGeorgiou for the report (#19).
3.34 2018-11-28T03:04:53Z
- Added function-checksum tests to the output of `pg_tapgen`, thanks to
Marc Cousin (PR #17).
- Released a Docker image:
- Converted URLs in documentation to HTTPS.
3.33 2017-03-04T23:40:01Z
- Added trigger-testing functions to the output of `pg_tapgen`, thanks to
Rodolphe Quiédeville (PR #11).
- Added enum- and extension-testing functions to the output of
`pg_tapgen`, thanks to Rodolphe Quiédeville (PR #13, PR #14).
- Explicitly set the `psql` `pager` variable to `off`, instead of not
setting it, to ensure it is always off. Thanks to Keith Fiske for the
report (theory/pgtap#135).
3.32 2016-05-11T23:37:30Z
- Fixed quoting of default values output by `pg_tapgen`, thanks to a pull
request from Rodolphe Quiédeville (#7).
- Various fixes and improvements to `pg_tapgen`, including:
- Added `--create-extension` and `--no-create-extension` options to
include or exclude the `CREATE EXTENSION pgtap` statement in the
generated test files.
- Fixed a bug that threw an error when no database connection options
were specified.
- Added support for the `$PGPASSWORD` environment variable.
- The emitted test scripts now include an appropriate plan that
counts assertions, rather than `no_plan`, thanks to @slaught.
- Added a number of additional tests to the emitted tests scripts,
again thanks to @slaught, including:
* Foreign table tests
* Materialized view tests
* Object ownership tests
- Column tests now explicitly specify the table schema and test
descriptions, thanks to @slaught.
- The column default tests now work properly with default values that
include strings inside function calls, such as
- Refactored `pg_prove` to better follow the interface provided by
App::Prove. This improves option processing, notably single-letter
option bundling now works properly.
3.31 2015-06-19T23:41:19Z
- The `--ext` option to `pg_prove` now always identifies pgTAP tests. Use
`prove` with the `--pgtap-option` option to mix pgTAP tests
with other tests.
3.30 2014-01-31T21:10:54Z
- Removed markup from preformatted text in the `pg_prove` documentation.
- Updated copyright dates.
- Added note to the docs mentioning that `pg_prove`-specific options are
not supported in `.proverc`, unfortunately.
- Removed `ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK=1`, as it does not work well with scripts,
- Removed the Pod tests from the distribution.
3.29 2013-01-09T00:15:34Z
- Restored the `-t` alias for the the `--timer` option, thanks to Norman
- Fixed the documentation for the alias of `--color`, which is `-c`, not
3.28 2012-05-07T22:01:02Z
- Simplified handling of `--runtests` in `pg_prove` to be a bit less
fragile. Based on a report from Giorgio Valoti.
- Added a bunch of table-testing functionality to `pg_tapgen`. It now
writes files for each table to a specified `--directory`.
3.27 2011-08-03T18:41:29
- Eliminated "Use of qw(...) as parentheses is deprecated" on Perl 5.14.
- Updated copyright dates.
- Updated email address in `pg_tapgen`.
3.26 2011-03-30T18:22:25
- Fixed exit code in `pg_prove`. It no longer returns 0 on fail and 1 on
pass. Thanks to Rod Taylor for the report!
3.25 2011-02-08T17:42:21
- Fixed shebang line in `pg_prove` so that it will be properly rewritten
upon installation.
- The `-S/--set` option added in 3.24 is now properly passed to `psql`.
Norman Yamada.
3.24 2011-01-13T22:26:47
- Added -S/--set option to pg_prove to allow the setting of psql
variables. Patch by Norman Yamada.
3.23 2010-09-08T22:32:05
- Disable --failures by default.
- Enable --comments by default. This is so that failure diagnostics will
appear even when not in verbose mode. This is how the `pg_prove`
distributed with pgTAP works. Use --no-comments or --quiet to disable
3.22 2010-08-15T01:06:08
- Moved from the Test::Harness distribution to its own distribution.
- No assume that a test string starting with "pgtap:" and is not a file
name is SQL to be executed.
- Moved `pg_prove` from the pgTAP distribution and rewrote it to use
App::Prove and pgTAP.
- Rewrote `pg_prove` to use App::Prove, thus gaining most of its