The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.


    * Muldis::D version 0.147.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release consists of just one particularly significant change,
    which is to redefine a recipe (and hence an updater) as being a special
    case of a procedure rather than being a disjoint kind of routine; but
    this is mainly just a system catalog and grammar consolidation; there
    is no change to the syntax of the language.  Between this release and
    release 0.146.0, all kinds of imperative routines are consolidated into
    procedure, so now all routines are just functions xor procedures.
    Additionally, the general case of a procedure can now directly
    reference/update globals/"the database" and it can now directly contain
    arbitrarily complex value expressions plus arbitrary multi-update
    statements and pseudo-variable definitions and it is no longer
    necessary to farm out to functions or recipes for most common
    procedural work, and so coding Muldis D should be more like what
    programmers expect from typical other languages and SQL, without the
    needless seemingly arbitrary constraints and associated complexity.
    This 3-way consolidation brings a very considerable streamlining to
    Muldis D; between release 0.145.0 and 0.147.0, the total size of the
    language spec proper (all 34 files in lib/) has decreased by 34.3KB or
    2.8%; this without losing any functionality, and in fact gaining some.

    * (Basics.pod)  Under the main pod section "ROUTINES", renamed the pod
    sub-section "Functions, Recipes, and Procedures" to "Functions and
    Procedures", and made substantial updates to that sub-section so that
    "recipe" is no longer a distinct one of 3 main routine kinds; rather
    there are now just the 2 "function" and "procedure", and "recipe" is
    now considered a special case of "procedure", and the general case of
    a procedure can now do directly everything that a recipe can.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod)  Redefined the catalog type "Recipe" (and hence
    "Updater") as being a proper subtype of "Transaction" (and hence
    "Procedure") rather than a disjoint type.  Removed the catalog type
    "RecipeSet" (use "ProcedureSet" instead).  Updated the catalog type
    "Package" to remove its "recipes" attribute of that type.  Merged the
    definition/attributes of the old "Recipe" catalog type into the
    "Procedure" type; of the 12 substantial attrs that "Procedure" now has,
    only "Recipe" had the 3 ["[upd|ro]_global_params", "exprs"], only
    "Procedure" had the 3 attrs ["is_system_service", "is_transaction",
    "vars"], and both had the 5 attrs ["[upd|ro|opt|dispatch]_params",
    "implements"], and both had a "stmt" attr but Recipe's was a
    "MultiUpdStmt" and Procedure's was and is a "StmtNodeSet".  Renamed the
    catalog type "ImpInvoStmtNodeSet" to "ProcInvoStmtNodeSet" (and updated
    "StmtNodeSet" to rename its attribute of that type), renamed its
    "imperative" attr to "procedure", retyped its 2 attrs "[upd|ro]_args"
    from "IISArgVarMap" (that type was then removed) to "NameExprMap".
    Replaced the catalog type "MultiUpdStmt" partially with the new catalog
    type "MultiUpdStmtNodeSet", and "ProcInvoStmtNodeSet" takes care of the
    remaining part; updated "StmtNodeSet" to add a "multi_upd_stmts" attr
    of the new type.  Removed the 3 catalog types
    "[SysScaVal|NilFuncInvo|APMaterialNCSel]StmtNodeSet" (use
    "[SysScaVal|FuncInvo|APMaterialNCSel]ExprNodeSet" in concert with
    "ProcInvoStmtNodeSet" instead); updated "StmtNodeSet" to remove its
    3 attrs of those types.  Renamed the catalog types
    "[If|When]ThenVarStmtMap" to "[If|When]ThenExprStmtMap", and
    "RcpGlobalVarAliasMap" to "ProcGlobalVarAliasMap", and
    "[A|R]PImperativeNC" to "[A|R]PProcedureNC".

    * (Routines_Catalog.pod)  Removed the catalog routine "rcp_invo" (use
    "proc_invo" instead).  Removed the 2 catalog routines
    "[create|drop]_recipe" (use "[create|drop]_procedure" instead).

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  For all 3 STDs, consolidated
    the grammar specific to recipes into the grammar specific to
    procedures.  A "recipe" grammar node is now just a "procedure" node
    with additional constraints.  The "Recipe Specification" pod
    sub-section is now merged into "Procedure Specification".  The "GENERIC
    RECIPE STATEMENTS" pod main section is now merged into "GENERIC
    PROCEDURE STATEMENTS".  The 2 pod sub-sections "Generic
    In-[Multi-Update-Statement|Procedure] Imperative Invocation Statements"
    were merged into the 1 "Generic Procedure Invocation Statements"; in
    just PTMD_STD, the latter also had a portion of "Generic Function
    Invocation Expressions" moved into it; in just the 2 Perl STDs, where
    there used to be 2 statement node kinds "i[mus|proc]-imp-invo", there
    is now the 1 "proc-invo".  Replaced the "Procedure Atomic Statements"
    pod sub-section with "Multi-Update Statements", which takes over the
    same syntax (but that, in just the 2 Perl STDs, the statement node kind
    "atomic-stmt" was replaced with "multi-upd-stmt") and maintains its
    semantics while compiling it differently into the catalog, as procedure
    multi-update statements rather than as nested recipe definitions; the
    code example for this sub-section was also replaced, so it shows
    multiple insert statements into different relvars rather than a pair of
    generic assignments, because the latter can now more easily be written
    without using the multi-update statement syntax this section describes.
    Removed the pod sub-section "Procedure Value Expressions" and with it
    the 3 main node kinds ["proc_expr", "var_name", "nil_func_invo"] (use
    ["expr", "expr_name", "func_invo"] instead).  The "IMPERATIVE
    INVOCATION ALTERNATE SYNTAX STATEMENTS" main pod section is now renamed
    sub-sections "Imperative Simple [Monadic Post|Non-symmetric Dyadic
    In]fix Operators" were renamed to substitute "Procedure".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  For all 3 STDs, added a code
    example to "Procedure Simple Non-symmetric Dyadic Infix Operators" that
    demonstrates the use of pseudo-tuple-variables in a single ":="
    statement to swap the values of two variables.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  In the main pod section "RESOLVING AMBIGUITY",
    created new sub-section "Entity Names vs Keywords" for its existing
    content, and added new sub-section "Statements vs Expressions" with new
    content.  Also, in "NESTING PRECEDENCE RULES", tweaked "Logical Infix".


    * Muldis::D version 0.146.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release is a snapshot in the process of streamlining Muldis D.
    It consists of just one change, which is to redefine an updater as
    being a special case of a recipe rather than being a disjoint kind of
    routine; but this is mainly just a system catalog and grammar
    consolidation; there is no change to the syntax of the language.

    * (Basics.pod)  Under the main pod section "ROUTINES", renamed the pod
    sub-section "Functions, Updaters, Recipes, and Procedures" to remove
    the "Updaters, ", and made substantial updates to that sub-section so
    that "updater" is no longer a distinct one of 4 main routine kinds;
    rather there are now just the 3 ["function", "recipe", "procedure"],
    and "updater" is now considered a special case of "recipe".

    * (Types_Catalog.pod)  Redefined the catalog type "Updater" as being a
    proper subtype of "Recipe" rather than a disjoint type.  Removed the
    catalog type "UpdaterSet" (use "RecipeSet" instead).  Updated the
    catalog type "Package" to remove its "updaters" attribute of that type.

    * (Routines_Catalog.pod)  Removed the catalog routine "upd_invo" (use
    "rcp_invo" instead).  Removed the 2 catalog routines
    "[create|drop]_updater" (use "[create|drop]_recipe" instead).

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  For all 3 STD, consolidated
    the grammar specific to updaters into the grammar specific to recipes.
    An "updater" grammar node is now just a "recipe" node with additional
    constraints.  The "Updater Specification" pod sub-section is now merged
    into "Recipe Specification".  Th "GENERIC UPDATER OR RECIPE STATEMENTS"
    main pod section is now renamed to "GENERIC RECIPE STATEMENTS".


    * Muldis::D version 0.145.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release mostly consists of a few smaller changes done around
    2010-11-13 (subsequent bullets 1-3), 2011-01-17 (subsequent bullet 4),
    and 2011-02-20 (subsequent bullet 5).  They are being put out now as a
    catch-up release, and then numerous large/significant releases should
    follow soon after.

    * (Basics.pod)  Split the "TRANSACTIONS AND CONCURRENCY" main pod
    section into the 4 pod sub-sections "ACID", "Virtual Machine",
    "Transactions and YYY", "Concurrency".

    * (Basics.pod)  Rewrote the few scattered paragraphs that mentioned
    concurrency models or MVCC or locking or isolation or whatever, this
    gathered into said new "Concurrency" sub-section that officially
    declares that Muldis D is now agnostic to concurrency models and may be
    used with either locking or MVCC or other options.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Added comment that PTMD_STD has "linear syntax".

    * (Basics.pod)  Added comment mentioning SQL/MED, federated databases.

    * (SeeAlso.pod)  Under the "INFORMATION SOURCES" main pod section,
    added the 2010 July book "Database Explorations: Essays on The Third
    Manifesto and Related Topics" to the list, and updated the few urls to
    online copies of TTM chapters so they resolve to the latest versions
    published in this book.  Also noted that this is the very first time
    that Muldis D or its author or related projects have ever been
    recognized in an actual printed-on-paper book.

    * Incremented all copyright year range-ends to 2011.


    * Muldis::D version 0.144.0 is released on CPAN as

    * (Basics.pod, Types_Catalog.pod, Types.pod)  Updated the official type
    system details concerning types having no values, aka "Empty" and its
    aliases, so that it is now officially allowed to use an empty type
    anywhere that otherwise any type at all may be used.  This serves both
    to simplify things a bit and also to remove some places where the spec
    logically contradicts itself.  It also is serves to bring Muldis D back
    into compliance with an aspect of TTM that is now better explained in
    the latter's newest version.  "Empty" may now be used as the declared
    type of an attribute of a tuple or of a scalar possrep, and not just of
    a relation; such a tuple or scalar type then has zero values since no
    tuple or scalar value can exist that doesn't have a value for an
    attribute; such a relation type still has exactly 1 value as before,
    the value with an existing heading and an empty body.  Users may now
    officially declare types with no values.  The catalog types for
    defining types no longer find it unconditionally mandatory to specify a
    default value.  The sources list of a domain-type may now be empty;
    this is now the official way to declare the "Universal" and "Empty"
    types themselves, which is as a nullary-domain-[intersection|union]
    respectively.  The "Core" module no longer declares Universal|Empty in
    its "special_types"; now only Int|List are declared there, which works
    out better as they are the only declaration/non-enumeration types.
    The default "DomainType" value now declares "Empty", not "Universal".

    * (Types.pod)  Updated the Text.Unicode type description to correct and
    expand what it says about the UTF-8 encoding.

    * (Temporal.pod, PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  In
    Temporal.pod, renamed the virtual system-service "fetch_curr_instant"
    to "fetch_trans_instant" and updated its description to specify that
    all invocations of it within the same parent-most transaction would
    fetch the exact same value, which is the instant when said transaction
    was started.  The semantics of the routine weren't previously described
    with this much accuracy, so it would have been ambiguous as to whether
    that was meant or whether "current" meant when the routine was invoked.
    In all 3 STD.pod, updated any code examples to account for the rename.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl5_STD.pod, Basics.pod, Types.pod, Cast.pod)
    For PTMD_STD and HDMD_Perl5_STD, updated the formats of numeric and
    blob literals, and of character escape sequences that spell Unicode
    codepoints.  To be specific, the 4 [bodx] formats for the common bases
    2,8,10,16 have been altered so that they now take the form "0MNNN"
    rather than "M;NNN".  Also relaxed all of the same literal formats so
    that alpha characters A..F or A..Z may now alternately be written in
    lowercase and not just in uppercase; but the [bodx] character itself is
    still restricted to lowercase.  These changes combined make the "0xNNN"
    numeric formats identical to their Perl 6 counterparts, and likewise
    typically nearly identical to Perl 5 and other common languages which
    have the counterparts.  This also makes the other formats much closer
    to being counterpart identical.  Updated PTMD_STD Int example:
    "0o5703"; Blob example: "0b'110010010'"; Text example: "'\c<0x2A1D>'".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  Corrected the code examples
    for stimulus-response-rule to say "nlx.lib.main" rather than "main".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  In PTMD_STD, updated the
    "::=" name-binding syntax for routine expressions and statements to add
    the optional keyword "let"; so "foo ::= 3" may now alternately be
    spelled "let foo ::= 3"; this may make code easier to read.  In both
    Perl-STD, added "let" as an alternative for "::=" as the first element
    of a "named_expr" or "named_stmt" grammar node.


    * Muldis::D version 0.143.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release is another snapshot in the process of overhauling
    matters of character strings.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod)  In a partial reversal of one aspect of release
    0.140.0, further to that started in release 0.141.0, updated the
    catalog data type "Comment" to once again compose the
    "Ordered" and "Stringy" mixins.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod, Types.pod)  Removed the 2 catalog types
    "[U|C]CPString" and the types which used them now use "[|O]String"
    instead.  But these or similar types may be brought back later.

    * (Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod)  Updated any references to the Unicode
    standard to specify version 6.0.0 rather than 5.2.0; this new 6.0.0 was
    published on 2010.10.11 but some parts are still being proofread.

    * (Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod)  Reorganized the text types again, now
    arriving at something fundamentally a lot more like the state of
    release 0.139.0.  Renamed the mixin type "Text" to "Textual".  Split
    the scalar root type "Text.Unicode" into itself plus "Text" and
    "Text.Unicode.Canon".  Now "Text" is the scalar root type which
    composes "Textual" and "Ordered", and it has an infinite character
    repertoire and a "String"-typed possrep attribute.  Now "Text.Unicode"
    is a subtype of "Text" which adds codepoint plus utf8-octet possreps
    (the latter is new), and is a not-normalized string of Unicode
    codepoints.  Now "Text.Unicode.Canon" is a subtype of "Text.Unicode"
    and is NFD; it is the closest thing to what the "Text" of 0.139.0 or
    the "Text.Unicode" of 0.142.0 were.  Also added new subtype
    "Text.Unicode.Compat" of "Canon" which is NFKD.  The 2 types
    "Text.ASCII" and "Text.Latin1" remain as subtypes of "Unicode" which
    each add a possrep.  Also moved "CoreText" into Types_Catalog.pod and
    updated it to exclude the 33 ASCII control characters so now it just
    has the 95 printable and space characters; it is now also a "Text"
    subtype.  Also removed the "SysText" domain-union type, and "Text" is
    now used as the possrep attribute of "Name" and "Comment".

    * (Types_Catalog.pod)  Updated the "Name" and "Comment" catalog types
    to explicitly compose the "Textual" mixin type rather than "Stringy".


    * Muldis::D version 0.142.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release is another snapshot in the process of externalizing the
    complexities of character strings, particularly those brought on by the
    likes of Unicode, from the core.  A larger one will follow soon.

    * (Basics.pod, Types_Catalog.pod, PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)
    Simplified the low-level type system such that "String" values are now
    internally repertoire-agnostic, and they now rely on an external
    context for the interpretation of their elements.  A "String" is now
    primarily a "List" of 2 elements rather than 3; the middle "element
    repertoire" element has been removed.  In Basics.pod, updated the "Low
    Level Type System" pod sub-section with a new description for "String".
    In Types_Catalog.pod, updated the descriptions of the 4 "String" proper
    subtypes.  In all 3 STD.pod, updated the "List" literal code examples.

    * (Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod, Basics.pod)  Renamed the 3 core types
    "Minimal_Text", "MCPString", "Unicode_Text to "CoreText", "CCPString",
    "Text.Unicode" respectively.
    Also redefined the "CoreText" type to match ASCII rather than Base64.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod)  Updated the "Package" catalog type to add a
    constraint that all of the "Name" and "Comment" typed components of a
    "Package" value, respectively, must all have text of th same text type.

    * (Types.pod)  Added new type "Text.ASCII" which is a proper
    subtype of "Text.Unicode" and so the two are comparable, while
    "CoreText", whose repertoire Text.ASCII shares, isn't comparable.  So
    users should default to using ASCII over Core when former is supported.

    * (Types.pod)  Added new type "Text.Latin1" which is a proper
    subtype of "Text.Unicode" as per "Text.ASCII".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  In a partial reversal of one aspect of release
    0.49.0, updated the PTMD_STD grammar for all comma-separated lists so
    that a trailing comma after the last list item of a nonempty list is
    now permitted but optional.  This brings syntax parity with one aspect
    of the Perl language and should make it easier to edit Muldis D code.


    * Muldis::D version 0.141.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release is a snapshot in the process of externalizing the
    complexities of character strings, particularly those brought on by the
    likes of Unicode, from the language core.  More will follow soon.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod, Routines_Catalog.pod, Basics.pod, Types.pod)  In
    a partial reversal of one aspect of release 0.140.0, brought back the
    catalog data type "Comment" and changed the declared types of all
    "scm_comment" attributes or parameters back to "Comment" (or
    "just_of.Comment").  However, the restored "Comment" type does not
    compose the "Ordered","Stringy" mixins as the old one did, and there is
    still no as-value literal syntax for it in the STD dialects.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod, Routines_Catalog.pod, PTMD_STD.pod)  Renamed 3
    catalog types as follows: "SysCatSet" -> "CatalogSet", "OVLScalar" ->
    "SysScalar", "SysScaVal[Expr|Stmt]NodeSet" ->
    "OVLScaVal[Expr|Stmt]NodeSet"; also updated each of the 2 catalog types
    "[Expr|Stmt]NodeSet" to rename 1 of its attrs from "ovl_*" to "sys_*".

    * (Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod)  Split the core scalar type "Text"
    into itself plus the 2 new "Unicode_Text" and "SysText" such that
    "Unicode_Text" is identical to the old "Text" but for the name and the
    new "Text" is now a mixin type that "Unicode_Text" composes (instead of
    "Stringy", which is now implicit as the new "Text" composes "Stringy")
    and "SysText" is now a domain type that unions initially just
    "Unicode_Text".  "Text" and "Unicode_Text" are declared in Types.pod
    and "SysText" in Types_Catalog.pod.  Also updated each of the catalog
    types "Name" and "Comment" so that its possrep attribute is now
    "SysText"-typed rather than "Text"-typed.

    * (Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod, Basics.pod)  Added the 2 new core
    scalar types "Minimal_Text" (which composes the "Text" mixin) and
    "MCPString", the first in Types.pod and the second in
    Types_Catalog.pod.  "Minimal_Text" is a proprietary repertoire that
    corresponds directly to that of "base64url", having 64 characters,
    intended to be the only core text type, whose main purpose is for
    writing source code identifiers (names of types and routines etc) in,
    including all the core system-defined ones.


    * Muldis::D version 0.140.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features a consolidation of the system catalog and
    associated revised conceptions of Muldis D's language structure, such
    that all the system defined materials plus all non-special
    system-defined namespaces are now organized in the same way as
    user-defined materials, which is into "packages"; a "depot" is a pure
    Muldis D package loaded by the DBMS in user space while a "module" is a
    typically mixed-language package loaded by the DBMS readonly in system
    space.  So "Core" and each official or unofficial Muldis D language
    extension is now a named module and it is now normal for all entities
    within each such system module to reference each other in the "nlx"
    relative path namespace rather than "sys", and so "sys" is now more
    like "fed", mainly just used to reference entities outside the
    referencer's own package using an absolute path.  This also means it is
    now more or less official that one can define a system package using
    exactly the same Muldis D dialects/syntaxes as to define user packages.
    (This release didn't actually tweak the dialects themselves, but that
    could be done later, and they're still correct as is regarding depots.)

    * (Basics.pod)  In the "NOTES ON TERMINOLOGY" main pod section, added
    definitions of the 2 terms "module" and "package".  In the "ENTITY
    NAMES" main pod section, updated the namespace hierarchy diagram to
    simplify the "sys" portion and clarify the "nlx" portion.  Also split
    the "User-Defined Entities" sub-section into itself and "Non-Lexical
    Entities" and updated those plus various other "ENTITY NAMES"
    sub-sections plus a few other bits in the file.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod)  Renamed the main POD section "TYPES FOR DEFINING
    DEPOTS AND SUBDEPOTS" to substitute "PACKAGE" for each "DEPOT".  Split
    the catalog type "Depot" into itself plus the 2 new "Package" and
    "Module" such that "Package" is initially identical to the old "Depot"
    but for the name and the new "Depot" plus "Module" are defined as
    initially non-proper subtypes of "Package".  Renamed but otherwise
    initially left unchanged the 3 catalog types "SubdepotSet",
    "SysSpecTypeSet", "SysNspSet" to "SubpackageSet", "SpecialTypeSet,
    "SpecialNspSet" respectively.  Renamed the "Package" attribute
    "subdepots" to "subpackages" and the "System" catalog type attribute
    "namespaces" to "special_namespaces".  Then added new catalog type
    "ModuleSet" and updated the "System" type to add a new "modules"
    attribute of that type; the new type/attribute is structured like the
    many other types/attributes of "System" that embed materials but that
    they instead embed "Module".  Then eliminated the 14 catalog types
    "Sys[|Distrib][Key|Subset]ConstrSet" and updated the "System" catalog
    type to eliminate its 14 attributes of those same types, since the 1
    new "modules" attribute and all the corresponding types that are used
    for defining "Depot" attributes can now be used as is for all
    system-defined namespaces and materials that are defined in the catalog
    as a user material would be defined.  Also updated the description of
    the "System" attribute "special_namespaces" to reflect that it no
    longer defines most namespaces, such as "Core" or "Core.Type" etc,
    since "materials" now takes over that role more elegantly, and now
    "special_namespaces" just declares the 15 special ones like "sys.std".
    Then moved the "special_types" attribute from "System" to "Package" and
    updated the "Depot" subtype to require that attribute be empty.  Also
    the "Module" subtype was updated to require the "Package" attributes
    "stim_resp_rules", "data" to be empty, but those may be relaxed later.
    Updated a few other related bits of documentation in the file.

    * (Basics.pod, Types_Catalog.pod, PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)
    Muldis D no longer has the core concept of a "transition constraint",
    which was an assertion on whether a variable is allowed (according to
    current business rules) to transition directly from one state to
    another.  So the routine kind "transition-constraint", its associated
    syntaxes, and the catalog data type "TransConstrFunc" were all removed.
    The rationale for this change is that transition constraints would be
    better off as a user-definable concept (that could also be provided as
    a Muldis D language extension) which is defined instead as a "state
    constraint" associated with a database schema that explicitly stores
    multiple versions of data in an auditing fashion, such as
    "temporal/historical databases" do.  These matters may be arbitrarily
    complex and seem best suited to be user-definable rather than in core.
    At the very least, the previous "transition constraint" concept was
    flawed in significant ways, such as that: 1. It couldn't take any other
    states into account other than the immediately last and next one, where
    in real life what is a valid transition can depend on multiple prior
    states; 2. When what looks like multiple successive distinct
    transactions to one user would look like a single larger transaction to
    another user due to how the MVCC or serializability etc works, what are
    the consistent semantics for a constraint saying a status must go
    A->B->C and not A->C?; 3. Reverting certain user mistakes could require
    circumventing / temporarily disabling a direction-enforcing constraint.

    * (Universal.pod, Basics.pod, Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod,
    Boolean.pod, Relation.pod, Array.pod, Text.pod, PTMD_STD.pod,
    HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Conventions.pod)  Renamed the 2 functions
    "is[|_not]_identical" to "is[|_not]_same"; also updated the first one's
    description to focus on mutual substitutability being the key in
    considering their arguments to be "same".  The term "same" is better
    by being a little more abstract in its meaning and should be
    interpreted as any or all of ["same", "equal", "identical",
    "substitutable", etc]; moreover, "same" is better by being terser and
    by being more like related functions "before" and "after_or_same" etc.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Made nonquoted DBMS entity names subject to the
    "op_char_repertoire" pragma such that the old limited-to-ASCII format
    of such names is now just the case when the pragma is "basic"; now when
    the pragma is "extended", such names may include any characters that
    Unicode considers alphabetic or alphanumeric.  Also restricted both
    formats of nonquoted entity names to require each hyphen to be followed
    by an alphabetic character.  And so, extended names are now exactly the
    same as Perl 6 identifiers except for not also allowing apostrophes.

    * (Types_Catalog.pod, Routines_Catalog.pod, Basics.pod, Types.pod,
    PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  In Types_Catalog.pod, eliminated
    the catalog data type "Comment" and changed the declared types of all
    "scm_comment" attributes to "Text" (or "just_of.Text").  In
    Routines_Catalog.pod, likewise changed the declared types of all
    "scm_comment" parameters.  In all 3 STD, eliminated the as-value
    "Comment" value literal syntax; now just PTMD_STD has the more typical
    "non value comment" syntax, and that syntax is unchanged from before.
    In all files, updated any other refs to aforementioned as appropriate.

    * (D.pod, SeeAlso.pod)  Now spell author personal names
    as "Edgar Codd (E.F. Codd)" and "Chris Date (C.J. Date)" rather than
    as "Edgar F. Codd" and "Christopher J. Date", respectively.


    * Muldis::D version 0.139.0 is released on CPAN as

    * (HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  Updated all routine invocation alternate
    syntax expressions so that the first node element is no longer just
    "op" but rather is one of the 3 ["i-op", "pre-op", "post-op"] depending
    on whether it represents infix, prefix, or postfix syntax.  Besides
    making the Perl-STD code better self-documenting, this also means that
    we now have 3 separate namespaces for the operators, and so for example
    we can now have "!" as both prefix and postfix without confusion.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Integer.pod, Boolean.pod)
    Renamed the special postfix syntax for the factorial op from "i!" to
    "!", which then looks exactly like it does in maths.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated all the simple monadic postfix operators that
    are symbolic (++,--,!) so that whitespace between each operator and its
    argument is now optional.  So, for examples, you can now say "13++" or
    "4--" or "5!" and not "5 !"/etc.  This is a stopgap pending better ws.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Numeric.pod, Basics.pod)
    Renamed the special prefix syntax for the absolute-value op from "||"
    to "abs", as people would incorrectly think "or" on seeing the old one
    while it doesn't look enough like "|x|",
    and most languages use "abs" already.  However, "|-|" is still used for
    the absolute-difference op, which has no precedent, looks like "|a-b|".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  Prefixed a few pod section
    headings and added notices that:  The "rtn_inv_alt_syn" catalog
    abstraction level as it currently exists is deprecated and will
    disappear in the near future.  Other pending enhancements to the
    language in both the system catalog itself and in the "plain_rtn_inv"
    level will make the latter more capable and suitable by itself for
    normal use.  A new highest level or 3 will probably appear in place of
    "rtn_inv_alt_syn" later for their still-unique useful features.


    * Muldis::D version 0.138.0 is released on CPAN as

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated the PTMD_STD grammar root token to explicitly
    state that it may have optional leading or trailing whitespace (such as
    blank or comment lines), but nothing else leading or trailing; this is
    something that was only implied by convention before.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Mostly rewrote the "NESTING PRECEDENCE RULES" main
    pod section so that it now has 10 precedence levels rather than 7, and
    so the operator precedences should now be more user-friendly.  This
    rewrite is strongly influenced by the Perl 6 operator precedence table,
    and also by the Postgres operator precedence table.  This rewrite is
    mainly about format, and partially about content.  The 2 tightest
    (terms, postfix) and 2 loosest (shorting infix, binding infix) levels
    are unchanged from the original 7.  The 3 middle levels (prefix, dyadic
    infix, reducing infix) were reorganized into 5 different middle levels
    (generic prefix, generic infix, comparison, logical prefix, logical
    infix).  Just one new, loosest, level (assignment) is not from the
    original 7.  The misguided concept of all dyadic infix (eg, -, /)
    having tighter precedence than all N-adic infix (eg, +, *) was
    eliminated, with these 2 levels now being merged into a single level;
    this single level was then divided into 3 levels, with all logical ops
    having the lowest precedence, then all comparison ops higher, and all
    remaining ops such as maths higher.  The single logical prefix op,
    'not', now has lower prec than the math/compare ops rather than higher.
    In the future, the generic and logical infix levels will need splitting
    so they conform better to people's expectations, but meanwhile, making
    them all the same is an improvement over the old dyadic/N-adic thing.

    * (  Added declaration that Muldis D is an "Acmeist" language.


    * Muldis::D version 0.137.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features a cleanup/consolidation of the operators for
    testing the membership of values in collections, or of tuples in
    relations, and a simplification of the basic order-comparison ops.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, Interval.pod)  Remove the "between" aliases for the
    interval membership test infix ops; now just the "in" spellings remain.

    * (Ordered.pod, Interval.pod)  Updated each of the 11 functions
    "is_[before|after][|_or_same]", "min", "max", "minmax",
    "Interval.[has|value_is]_[|not_]member" to remove its optional "func"
    parameter; so now each of the 11 just has 2 or N mandatory inputs, and
    the declared type of those is now "Ordered" rather than "Universal".
    These 11 functions now unconditionally wrap the virtual
    "sys.std.Core.Ordered.order" function rather than wrapping an
    order-determination function given as an argument (or said virtual by
    default).  This change results in a simplification for 99% of likely
    use cases; for the remaining 1% which the 11 funcs have dropped support
    for, users can write their own equivalents of the 11 easily enough.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  Updated the grammar and
    examples of the infix special syntax of the above 11 functions to
    reflect their just being plain dyadic or commutative infix ops without
    optional parts now.  Reorganized so that the 11 are no longer in the
    separate "Order Comparison Operators" pod sub-section but rather are in
    the "Simple Commutative N-adic Infix Reduction Operators" or "Simple
    Non-symmetric Dyadic Infix Operators" pod sub-sections as appropriate.
    The "Order..." section now just has the 1 op "<=>" for "Ordered.order".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, Relation.pod)  Renamed all 10 variants of all 4 dyadic
    infix operators for testing the membership of a generic tuple in a
    generic relation.  With the 4 Unicode variants, replaced any "r" with
    "@"; with the 6 ASCII variants, renamed any "*in-r" to "*inside" and
    any "r-*has" to "*holds".  For examples, "Relation.has_member" is now
    spelled "holds" or "@∋" rather than "r-has" or "r∋", and
    "tuple_is_member" is "inside" or "∈@", not "in-r" or "∈r".

    * (Types.pod)  Added new mixin type "Collective" that is intended to be
    explicitly composed by other types that are effectively simple
    homogeneous collections of values, and something more specific than
    relations in general.  Also updated the 5 types "Set", "Array",
    "Bag", "[S|M]PInterval" to compose "Collective".

    * Added new initially empty file lib/Muldis/D/Core/Collective.pod
    which will hold virtual routines for types composing the "Collective"
    type.  Also updated the README file, Core.pod to mention the new file.

    * (Set.pod, Array.pod, Bag.pod, Interval.pod, PTMD_STD.pod)  In each of
    the 3 files [Set.pod, Bag.pod, Interval.pod], for each of the 4
    functions "[has|value_is]_[|not_]member", renamed its primary parameter
    to "coll" from "set|bag|interval".  In Array.pod, for each of the 2
    funcs "has_[|not_]elem", renamed its primary to "coll" from "topic".

    * (Collective.pod, Set.pod, Bag.pod, Interval.pod)  In Collective.pod,
    added the 4 new virtual functions "[has|value_is]_[|not_]member".  Then
    in each of [Set.pod, Bag.pod, Interval.pod], updated the 4 same-named
    functions so that they explicitly implement the same-named new
    virtuals; also consolidated the updated routines.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Collective.pod, Set.pod,
    Bag.pod, Interval.pod)  For each of the 4 functions
    "[has|value_is]_[|not_]member", merged the triples of
    set|bag|interval-specific spellings of its dyadic infix syntax into a
    single spelling that works for all 3 types; the dyadic infix syntax
    will now invoke the 4 virtual funcs rather than their 12 implementers.
    For example, we used to have "in-s","in-b","in-i" and now
    we have "in"; or, we used to have "s∌","b∌","i∌" and now we have "∌".

    * (Interval.pod)  For each of the 4 functions
    "[has|value_is]_[|not_]member", renamed it into an additional level of
    namespace, "SP"; for example "sys.std.Core.Interval.SP.has_member".
    Then added 4 new funcs that are the same as the first 4 but that they
    work on "MPInterval" rather than "SPInterval", live in "MP" namespace.

    * (Array.pod)  Added the 2 new functions "value_is_[|not_]elem" which
    are aliases for the 2 existing "has_[|not_]elem".  Then updated all 4
    so that they implement the 4 virtual "Collective" functions having the
    same names but for "elem" vs "member"; also consolidated the 4 funcs.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated the semantics of parsing string literals
    having literal non-SPACE whitespace chars so that they are more
    flexible or DWIMmy.  Previously, said chars were simply stripped, and
    now they plus adjoining runs of spaces are now replaced with a single
    space, or if escaped ws precedes said literal ws, then the ws+space
    runs are just stripped instead.  The new behaviour should make the
    selected string values invariant with both the code's linebreak chars
    and with the code's indenting style, while saving useful formatting.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated all the simple monadic prefix operators that
    are symbolic (all but 'not') so that whitespace between each operator
    and its argument is now optional.  So, for examples, you can now say
    "!is_foo" or "#people" or "%relvar" and not have to be "# people"/etc.
    This change is a stopgap measure and later a more generic solution
    should be found for making whitespace optional around operators.


    * Muldis::D version 0.136.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features improvements to the handling of comments and
    whitespace, and the addition of bag function syntaxes.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  The grammar now considers whitespace to be anything
    matched by "\s", meaning Perl's/Unicode's concept of it, rather than it
    just being composed of the 5 characters [\ \t\n\f\r].

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Changed how whitespace in delimited string literals
    is handled.  Previously, non-SPACE whitespace was disallowed from
    appearing literally in strings except as a "splitter" token, where it
    was delimited by a backslash pair which told the parser to ignore/strip
    said whitespace.  Now, any characters are allowed literally in strings
    and all non-SPACE whitespace is automatically ignored/stripped by the
    parser.  To actually select such whitespace as part of the string, it
    now has to be encoded as an escape sequence such as "\n".  And so, now
    it is easier to write block-size strings or comments as one no longer
    needs some kind of delim per each line, not even a backslash/splitter.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, Basics.pod)  Reformatted non-value-comment literals so
    that they are now delimited by both backticks and number signs, the
    former nested in the latter, rather than just number signs; for example
    " #`This is a non-value comment.`# "; the as-value-comment literals
    have not changed; for example " `This is an as-value comment.` ".  The
    first consequence of this is that the standalone number sign can now be
    more easily freed up to be used for things other than comments,
    including by itself as an operator.  The second consequence of this is
    that all comments are now delimited by backticks, rather than some just
    by backticks and others just by num signs.  Also more comments changes.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated the grammar to explicitly include support for
    embedding non-value comments anywhere that whitespace may appear that
    is outside of a scalar value lit; the "<ws>" token now includes them.
    Previously, the non-value comments were defined but not actually
    invoked anywhere by the main grammar.  Details subject to be refined.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Relation.pod)  Renamed the
    prefix operator for set/relation cardinality to "#" from "r#".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, Bag.pod)  Added function invocation alternate syntax
    expressions for 13 "Bag" functions.  For the 12 of these that have the
    same unqualified names as "Relation" (Set) funcs, the former use the
    latter's alternate syntax but with a "+" suffix.  These 12 are
    "cardinality" (#+), "union" (∪+), "intersection" (∩+), "diff" (∖+) and
    the 8 sub/superset operators.  The 13th Bag func is "union_sum" (∪++).
    The existing ops aren't overloaded because Bag isa subtype of Relation.


    * Muldis::D version 0.135.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features a cleanup/consolidation of the postcircumfix
    operator syntaxes, and a renaming of the sub/superset infix ops.

    * (Types.pod)  Added new mixin type "Attributive" that is intended to
    be explicitly composed by other types that are considered to be
    collections of named attributes, such as generic tuples and relations.
    Also updated the 2 types "Tuple", "Relation" to compose "Attributive".

    * Added new initially empty file lib/Muldis/D/Core/Attributive.pod
    which will hold virtual routines for types composing the "Attributive"
    type.  Also updated the README file, Core.pod to mention the new file.

    * (Attributive.pod, Tuple.pod, Relation.pod)  In Attributive.pod, added
    the 8 new virtual functions ["degree", "is_[|not_]nullary",
    "has_attrs", "attr_names", "rename", "projection", "cmpl_proj",
    "static_exten", "[|cmpl_|un]wrap"] and 4 new virtual updaters
    ["assign_rename", "assign_static_exten", "assign_projection",
    "assign_cmpl_proj"].  Then in each of Tuple.pod and Relation.pod,
    updated the 12 same-named routines so that they explicitly implement
    the same-named new virtuals; also consolidated the updated routines.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Attributive.pod, Tuple.pod,
    Relation.pod)  For each of the 6 functions ["rename", "projection",
    "cmpl_proj", "[|cmpl_|un]wrap"], merged the pair of
    tuple|relation-specific formats of its postcircumfix syntax into a
    single format that works for both types; the postcircumfix syntax will
    now invoke the 6 virtual functions rather than their 12 implementers.
    For example, we used to have "%{%<-}","@{%<-}" and we now have "{%<-}".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Scalar.pod, Tuple.pod,
    Relation.pod, Set.pod)  Renamed all remaining postcircumfix op variants
    that had a [$,%,@] sigil preceding the opening curly brace so to remove
    that sigil.  All "${...}" were renamed to "{;...}", the ".{}" (Just)
    was renamed to ".{*}", and any other renames simply removed the sigils.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, Relation.pod)  Renamed the ASCII variants of all 8
    dyadic infix subset/superset operators so that they now are symbolic in
    appearance rather than alphabetic.  For examples, "⊆" is now mapped to
    "{<=}", not "sub", and "⊅" is now mapped to "{!>}", not "!psuper".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Fix a fossil from v0.130.0 re "x" -> "~#" in grammar.


    * Muldis::D version 0.134.0 is released on CPAN as

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[5|6]_STD.pod, Basics.pod, Types_Catalog.pod)
    For PTMD_STD and HDMD_Perl5_STD, updated the formats of numeric and
    blob literals, and of character escape sequences that spell Unicode
    codepoints, so that it is easier to write numbers in a radix other than
    10.  Still unchanged is that you can write numbers either in a general
    form of "M;NNN" for bases 2..35 or in just base-10 as "NNN".  Now, the
    general form adds aliases for the common bases of 2,8,10,16 such that
    the "M" may alternately be spelled "b","o","d","x".  For bases 2,8,16
    this new form is now the recommended one.  PTMD_STD Int example:
    "o;5703"; Blob example: "b;'110010010'"; Text example: "'\c<x;2A1D>'".

    * (HDMD_Perl6_STD.pod)  Updated the code examples for Int and Rat
    literals using bases 2,8,16 to use Perl 6's 0bN,0oN,0xN numeric formats
    rather than its :M<N> format.

    * (HDMD_Perl5_STD.pod)  Updated the code examples for Int literals
    using bases 2,8,16 to use Perl 5's 0bN,0N,0xN numeric formats rather
    than Perl5-STD's single-elem-hash-ref format.  The code examples for
    Rat literals had no corresponding update as Perl 5 doesn't support it.

    * (HDMD_Perl6_STD.pod)  Now that the Perl 6 spec (S02) finally (as of a
    2010.07.12 update) says what a Perl 6 Blob literal looks like
    (":2{NNN}", ":8{NNN}", ":16{NNN}"), updated the Perl6-STD example code
    denoting Perl 6 Blob lits to that from temp stand-in "".


    * Muldis::D version 0.133.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features some concrete syntax additions to make Muldis D
    code easier to write, to be more terse while still readable.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod)  For all 3 STD, updated the
    formats of generic scalar or tuple or relation value literals so that
    they may be written more tersely.  Now, one may substitute "$","%","@"
    respectively for "Scalar","Tuple","Relation" as the "value_kind"
    leading part of a "value" node.  That is, for example, in PTMD_STD,
    the 3 ["Scalar:MyType:{...}", "Tuple:{...}", "Relation:{...}"] may now
    alternately be spelled ["$:MyType:{...}", "%:{...}", "@:{...}"].

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  For just PTMD_STD, updated the formats specific to
    set, array, bag, and interval value literals so that they may be
    written more tersely.  Now, one may omit the "value_kind" leading part
    of a "value" node when writing most of these.  For examples:
    a Set: "{25,43,6}"; an Array: "['here','there','everywhere']";
    a Bag: "{'Plum' => 200, 'Cherry' => 100, 'Apricot' => 300}";
    an SPInterval: "{21..30}"; an MPInterval: "{-Inf..3,14,266..Inf}".


    * Muldis::D version 0.132.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features some reworking of char escape sequences.  The
    prior way of doing this could give the false impression that PTMD_STD
    couldn't be single-pass parsed; the new way should avoid that problem,
    and also result in string literals that are easier for people to read.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  A backslash pair used inside a long string/etc
    literal, to support splitting the literal over multiple code lines, now
    surrounds mandatory whitespace rather than optional whitespace.  In the
    grammar, this pair is now called a "splitter" rather than an "unspace".
    (Another backslash pair, outside strings/etc, is still an "unspace".)

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Removed the simple char escape seq for "space" char,
    which had limited utility; instead of "\s", one can say "\c<F;20>".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated any of the simple char escape sequences that
    differed from those of typical other languages so that they are the
    same instead.  The escape sequences for the 5 characters [\,',",`,#]
    are now simply the same characters with a leading backslash, instead of
    a backslash+alpha; they used to be [\b,\a,\q,\g,\h].  A consequence
    is that a string may now contain the same literal char as is used to
    delimit that string, like typ langs, where this used to be disallowed.


    * Muldis::D version 0.131.0 is released on CPAN as

    * (PTMD_STD)  Fixed semantic-reversing typo.

    * (Types.pod, Types_Catalog.pod, PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod,
    Basics.pod, Relation.pod, Set.pod)  Renamed the nonscalar types
    "Single","DHSingle" to "Just","DHJust" and the corresponding type name
    prefix from "single_of." to "just_of." and the corresponding concrete
    syntax value literal kind from "Single" to "Just".  So now the triple
    of related types/values "Maybe","Just","Nothing" match the names of
    their counterparts in the Haskell language.  So now the canonical
    syntax for selecting a Maybe value is either "Just:{foo}" or "Nothing".
    In Set.pod, renamed the "single" function to "just", and updated the
    "order" function to rename 3 of its parameters from "S" to "J".


    * Muldis::D version 0.130.0 is released on CPAN as

    * This release features multiple concrete syntax changes.  The largest
    change is the elimination of the "$" sigil that was used
    semi-gratuitously to mark data-entities (variables, parameters,
    attributes, named expression nodes).  These are now regularly formatted
    as barewords instead, like most languages and SQL, but unlike Perl.
    Likewise eliminated the "|" sigil for named statement nodes.  Another
    significant change is the renaming or elimination of all language
    keywords that had consisted of just a single latin character, meaning
    that users can define any single-letter entity names without ambiguity.
    Also renamed a syntax shorthand from ">foo" to "=>foo" for clarity.

    * (, README)  Updated the list of email forums focusing on
    Muldis D and its implementations, first to add a 4th list
    muldis-d-language, and second to update all 4 lists' descriptions.

    * (Text.pod)  Renamed function "accents_stripped" to "marks_stripped".

    * (SeeAlso.pod)  Updated a few external reference urls.

    * (Array.pod, Bag.pod, Blob.pod, Boolean.pod, Cast.pod, Integer.pod,
    Interval.pod, Numeric.pod, Ordered.pod, Rational.pod, Relation.pod,
    Routines_Catalog.pod, STDIO.pod, Scalar.pod, Set.pod, Stringy.pod,
    Text.pod, Tuple.pod, Universal.pod, Counted.pod, Temporal.pod)  Updated
    all system-defined routine documentation so that the illustrative
    declarations of each now just have the unqualified routine names, same
    as the real declarations would, rather than being fully-qualified; the
    level-2 heading for each routine description already has the latter.
    In Routines_Catalog.pod, also upd th 2 named constraint descs likewise.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Updated the shorthand syntax for "foo=>foo" that
    looked like ">foo" to instead look like "=>foo"; people kept confusing
    the old format for the greater-than op; the new should be more obvious.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Universal.pod, Set.pod)
    Removed 2 func invo alt syn exprs: "d" (prefix), "//d" (infix).

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Stringy.pod, Cast.pod)
    Renamed 3 func invo alt syn exprs: "x" -> "~#" (infix),
    "t" -> "%" (prefix), "r" -> "@" (prefix).

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Set.pod)  Removed the func
    invo alt syn expr "s" (prefix) and updated any code examples using it
    from "s foo" to "Maybe:{foo}".  Converted the func invo alt syn expr
    "v" (Maybe.attr) from prefix format to postcircumfix format; using it
    now looks like "foo.{}" (empty curly quote pair) rather than "v foo".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod)  Added new main pod section "RESOLVING AMBIGUITY"
    which talks about language keywords versus user-defined entities.

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Basics.pod)  Eliminated the
    "|" sigil from statement names, which are now always sigil-less (and
    typically barewords) instead.  In PTMD_STD, a "stmt_name" grammar token
    is now just a "Name_payload".  In the 2 Perl-STD, the first elem of the
    "stmt_name" node kind is now "s" rather than "|" (so in Perl 6 this is
    usually a Pair); for "named_stmt" it is now "::=" rather than "|::=".

    * (PTMD_STD.pod, HDMD_Perl[6|5]_STD.pod, Basics.pod)  Eliminated the
    "$" sigil from data-entity names, which are now always sigil-less (and
    typically barewords) instead.  In PTMD_STD, a "lex_entity_name" grammar
    token is now just a "Name_payload".  In the 2 Perl-STD, the first elem
    of the "expr_name" and "var_name" node kinds are now "d" rather than
    "$" (so in Perl 6 this is usually a Pair); for an "accessor" node it is
    now "acc" rather than "$.".

    * (Array.pod, Bag.pod, Blob.pod, Boolean.pod, Cast.pod, Integer.pod,
    Interval.pod, Numeric.pod, Ordered.pod, Rational.pod, Relation.pod,
    Routines_Catalog.pod, STDIO.pod, Scalar.pod, Set.pod, Stringy.pod,
    Text.pod, Tuple.pod, Universal.pod, Counted.pod, Temporal.pod)  Updated
    all system-defined routine documentation as per the prior change item,
    so the illustrative routine signatures no longer use the "$" sigils.


    * Muldis::D version 0.129.1 is released on CPAN as

    * (, README, Makefile.PL)  Updated any instances of
    "" so that they are fully
    lower-cased, because the mixed case version doesn't work with some web
    browsers; browsers that don't automatically convert it to lowercase get
    a "There currently are no publically-advertised mailman lists" message.

    * Purged this distribution's "Changes" file of practically all change
    details for its approximately 147 releases numbered 0.0.0 thru 0.129.0,
    most of those now just constituting a single bullet-point in total.  If
    you want to see those change descriptions, look either in the version
    control system as of tag "release-0.129.0" or in the archived
    distribution tarball named Muldis-D-0.129.0.tar.gz.

    * This is the Muldis-D-0.129.1 file manifest:


2008-04-07 thru 2010-05-16

    * 2010-05-16 : Muldis::D version 0.129.0.

    * 2010-05-10 : Muldis::D version 0.128.0.

    * 2010-05-08 : Muldis::D version 0.127.0.

    * 2010-05-07 : Muldis::D version 0.126.0.

    * 2010-05-05 : Muldis::D version 0.125.0.

    * 2010-05-01 : Muldis::D version 0.124.0.

    * 2010-04-27 : Muldis::D version 0.123.0.

    * 2010-04-25 : Muldis::D version 0.122.0.

    * 2010-04-24 : Muldis::D version 0.121.0.

    * 2010-04-23 : Muldis::D version 0.120.0.

    * 2010-04-19 : Muldis::D version 0.119.0.

    * 2010-04-17 : Muldis::D version 0.118.0.

    * 2010-04-11 : Muldis::D version 0.117.0.

    * 2010-04-07 : Muldis::D version 0.116.0.

    * 2010-04-02 : Muldis::D version 0.115.0.

    * 2010-03-27 : Muldis::D version 0.114.0.

    * 2010-03-13 : Muldis::D version 0.113.0.

    * 2010-03-10 : Muldis::D version 0.112.0.

    * 2010-03-05 : Muldis::D version 0.111.0.

    * 2010-03-01 : Muldis::D version 0.110.0.

    * 2010-01-26 : Muldis::D version 0.109.0.

    * 2010-01-24 : Muldis::D version 0.108.0.

    * 2010-01-16 : Muldis::D version 0.107.0.

    * 2010-01-07 : Muldis::D version 0.106.0.

    * 2010-01-03 : Muldis::D version 0.105.0.

    * 2009-12-26 : Muldis::D version 0.104.0.

    * 2009-12-20 : Muldis::D version 0.103.0.

    * 2009-11-30 : Muldis::D version 0.102.0.

    * 2009-11-26 : Muldis::D version 0.101.0.

    * 2009-11-21 : Muldis::D version 0.100.0.

    * 2009-11-06 : Muldis::D version 0.99.0.

    * 2009-10-20 : Muldis::D version 0.98.0.

    * 2009-10-18 : Muldis::D version 0.97.0.

    * 2009-10-14 : Muldis::D version 0.96.1.

    * 2009-10-13 : Muldis::D version 0.96.0.

    * 2009-10-08 : Muldis::D version 0.95.0.

    * 2009-10-05 : Muldis::D version 0.94.0.

    * 2009-09-28 : Muldis::D version 0.93.0.

    * 2009-09-26 : Muldis::D version 0.92.0.

    * 2009-09-21 : Muldis::D version 0.91.0.

    * 2009-09-19 : Muldis::D version 0.90.0.

    * 2009-09-13 : Muldis::D version 0.89.0.

    * 2009-09-12 : Muldis::D version 0.88.0.

    * 2009-09-03 : Muldis::D version 0.87.0.

    * 2009-09-02 : Muldis::D version 0.86.0.

    * 2009-08-29 : Muldis::D version 0.85.0.

    * 2009-08-24 : Muldis::D version 0.84.0.

    * 2009-08-20 : Muldis::D version 0.83.0.

    * 2009-07-27 : Muldis::D version 0.82.0.

    * 2009-07-15 : Muldis::D version 0.81.0.

    * 2009-07-06 : Muldis::D version 0.80.0.

    * 2009-06-16 : Muldis::D version 0.79.1.

    * 2009-06-13 : Muldis::D version 0.79.0.

    * 2009-06-09 : Muldis::D version 0.78.0.

    * 2009-06-06 : Muldis::D version 0.77.0.

    * 2009-06-04 : Muldis::D version 0.76.1.

    * 2009-06-04 : Muldis::D version 0.76.0.

    * 2009-05-28 : Muldis::D version 0.75.0.

    * 2009-05-27 : Muldis::D version 0.74.0.

    * 2009-05-19 : Muldis::D version 0.73.0.

    * 2009-05-15 : Muldis::D version 0.72.0.

    * 2009-05-14 : Muldis::D version 0.71.0.

    * 2009-05-11 : Muldis::D version 0.70.0.

    * 2009-05-08 : Muldis::D version 0.69.0.

    * 2009-05-06 : Muldis::D version 0.68.0.

    * 2009-05-04 : Muldis::D version 0.67.0.

    * 2009-04-29 : Muldis::D version 0.66.0.

    * 2009-04-28 : Muldis::D version 0.65.1.

    * 2009-04-22 : Muldis::D version 0.65.0.

    * 2009-04-16 : Muldis::D version 0.64.0.

    * 2009-04-02 : Muldis::D version 0.63.0.

    * 2009-03-20 : Muldis::D version 0.62.3.

    * 2009-03-19 : Muldis::D version 0.62.2.

    * 2009-03-19 : Muldis::D version 0.62.1.

    * 2009-03-17 : Muldis::D version 0.62.0.

    * 2009-03-13 : Muldis::D version 0.61.0.

    * 2009-02-25 : Muldis::D version 0.60.0.

    * 2009-02-07 : Muldis::D version 0.59.1.

    * 2009-02-07 : Muldis::D version 0.59.0.

    * 2009-01-19 : Muldis::D version 0.58.0.

    * 2009-01-08 : Muldis::D version 0.57.0.

    * 2008-12-27 : Muldis::D version 0.56.0.

    * 2008-12-19 : Muldis::D version 0.55.0.

    * 2008-12-16 : Muldis::D version 0.54.0.

    * 2008-12-15 : Muldis::D version 0.53.0.

    * 2008-11-29 : Muldis::D version 0.52.0.

    * 2008-11-29 : Muldis::D version 0.51.0.

    * 2008-11-08 : Muldis::D version 0.50.0.

    * 2008-10-07 : Muldis::D version 0.49.0.

    * 2008-09-18 : Muldis::D version 0.48.0.

    * 2008-08-30 : Muldis::D version 0.47.0.

    * 2008-08-17 : Muldis::D version 0.46.0.

    * 2008-08-15 : Muldis::D version 0.45.0.

    * 2008-08-12 : Muldis::D version 0.44.0.

    * 2008-07-29 : Muldis::D version 0.43.0.

    * 2008-07-21 : Muldis::D version 0.42.0.

    * 2008-07-15 : Muldis::D version 0.41.0.

    * 2008-07-08 : Muldis::D version 0.40.0.

    * 2008-07-04 : Muldis::D version 0.39.0.

    * 2008-06-30 : Muldis::D version 0.38.0.

    * 2008-06-28 : Muldis::D version 0.37.0.

    * 2008-06-24 : Muldis::D version 0.36.0.

    * 2008-06-21 : Muldis::D version 0.35.0.

    * 2008-06-13 : Muldis::D version 0.34.0.

    * 2008-06-04 : Muldis::D version 0.33.0.

    * 2008-06-04 : Muldis::D version 0.32.0.

    * 2008-05-20 : Muldis::D version 0.31.0.

    * 2008-05-12 : Muldis::D version 0.30.0.

    * 2008-05-11 : Muldis::D version 0.29.0.

    * 2008-05-09 : Muldis::D version 0.28.1.

    * 2008-05-01 : Muldis::D version 0.28.0.

    * 2008-04-27 : Muldis::D version 0.27.0.

    * 2008-04-21 : Muldis::D version 0.26.0.

    * 2008-04-13 : Muldis::D version 0.25.1.

    * 2008-04-07 : Muldis::D version 0.25.0.


    * Muldis::D version 0.24.0 is released on CPAN as
    Muldis-D-0.24.0.tar.gz.  This was the first time that the Muldis D
    language spec was in a "Muldis-D-N.N.N" distribution or that the spec's
    root document had the name Muldis::D, starting here with then
    version 0.24.0; these names have been used uninterrupted through the
    present day.

    * This is the Muldis-D-0.24.0 file manifest:



    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       Muldis::D
      DSLIP:       cmong
      description: Formal spec of Muldis D relational DBMS lang
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:   7 (Database_Interfaces)
      enteredby:   BDFOY (brian d foy)
      enteredon:   Sat Mar 22 22:41:26 2008 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::D          cmong Formal spec of Muldis D relational DBMS lang DUNCAND


    Record update in the PAUSE modules database:

           modid: [Language::MuldisD]
           statd: [c]
           stats: [m]
           statl: [o]
           stati: [n]
           statp: [g]
     description: [Formal spec of Muldis D relational DBMS lang]
          userid: [DUNCAND]
       chapterid: [7]
        mlstatus: [delete] was [list]


    * Language::MuldisD version 0.23.0 is released on CPAN as
    Language-MuldisD-0.23.0.tar.gz.  This was the last time that the Muldis
    D language spec was in a "Language-MuldisD-N.N.N" distribution or that
    the spec's root had the name Language::MuldisD, version 0.23.0.

2007-07-24 thru 2008-02-29

    * 2008-02-29 : Language::MuldisD version 0.22.1.

    * 2008-02-26 : Language::MuldisD version 0.22.0.

    * 2008-02-15 : Language::MuldisD version 0.21.0.

    * 2008-02-07 : Language::MuldisD version 0.20.0.

    * 2008-02-07 : Language::MuldisD version 0.19.1.

    * 2008-02-03 : Language::MuldisD version 0.19.0.

    * 2008-01-25 : Language::MuldisD version 0.18.0.

    * 2008-01-12 : Language::MuldisD version 0.17.0.

    * 2008-01-05 : Language::MuldisD version 0.16.0.

    * 2007-12-31 : Language::MuldisD version 0.15.0.

    * 2007-12-18 : Language::MuldisD version 0.14.0.

    * 2007-12-09 : Language::MuldisD version 0.13.0.

    * 2007-11-23 : Language::MuldisD version 0.12.0.

    * 2007-11-19 : Language::MuldisD version 0.11.0.

    * 2007-11-08 : Language::MuldisD version 0.10.0.

    * 2007-10-11 : Language::MuldisD version 0.9.1.

    * 2007-10-09 : Language::MuldisD version 0.9.0.

    * 2007-09-23 : Language::MuldisD version 0.8.1.

    * 2007-09-22 : Language::MuldisD version 0.8.0.

    * 2007-09-11 : Language::MuldisD version 0.7.0.

    * 2007-09-03 : Language::MuldisD version 0.6.0.

    * 2007-08-31 : Language::MuldisD version 0.5.0.

    * 2007-08-12 : Language::MuldisD version 0.4.1.

    * 2007-08-09 : Language::MuldisD version 0.4.0.

    * 2007-07-24 : Language::MuldisD version 0.3.1.


    * Language::MuldisD version 0.3.0 was released on CPAN as
    Language-MuldisD-0.3.0.tar.gz.  This was the first time that the Muldis
    D language spec was released as its own distribution, a practice which
    had continued uninterrupted through the present day.  The spec's root
    document had the name Language::MuldisD, starting here with then
    version 0.3.0.

    * This was the Language-MuldisD-0.3.0 file manifest:



    The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

      modid:       Language::MuldisD
      DSLIP:       cmong
      description: Formal spec of Muldis D relational DBMS lang
      userid:      DUNCAND (Darren Duncan)
      chapterid:   7 (Database_Interfaces)
      enteredby:   ADAMK (Adam Kennedy)
      enteredon:   Mon Jul 23 04:56:26 2007 GMT

    The resulting entry will be:

    ::MuldisD    cmong Formal spec of Muldis D relational DBMS lang DUNCAND

2007-06-20 thru 2007-07-20

    * On 2007-06-20 was the very first CPAN release, as
    Muldis-DB-0.0.0.tar.gz, of "Muldis DB for Perl 5", version 0.0.0; it
    bundled the very first CPAN release of "Muldis D" the language spec,
    version 0.0.0.  At this time, the entire existing Muldis D language
    spec was contained in the single file "Language.pod", which had the
    name Muldis::DB::Language.

    * 2007-06-29 : Muldis::DB::Language version 0.0.1.

    * 2007-07-11 : Muldis::DB::Language version 0.1.0.

    * On 2007-07-20 was the very last CPAN release, as
    Muldis-DB-0.2.0.tar.gz, of "Muldis DB for Perl 5" that bundled the
    Muldis D language spec, version 0.2.0.  After this time the two would
    be released separately, in their own namespaces.

2006-09-15 thru 2007-06-02

    * Started rewriting Rosetta again, but with a name change, since
    "Rosetta" was no longer appropriate for various reasons.  This rewrite
    took the intentionally bad and temporary name QDRDBMS, to be renamed
    again (to Muldis DB) later on.  With the name change allowed for the
    previous version numbering of Rosetta to be dropped, and this rewrite
    would eventually be first released as version zero.

    * QDRDBMS was started in the wake of having had a lot more experience
    in reading up on the truly relational model of data, and was now
    designed fundamentally to be the design and implementation of a new
    turing complete programming language for working with relational
    databases, now called "QDRDBMS D".

    * Made an experimental CPAN release of QDRDBMS version 0.0.0 on
    2007-05-31, which specifically was a quick branch that stripped out all
    the code and just contained the documentation.  This was the only CPAN
    release of the (partial) project under the QDRDBMS name.

    * Shortly after this, QDRDBMS was renamed to its presumably final name
    of "Muldis DB", and its command language to "Muldis D".  But while
    "Muldis D" stuck, "Muldis DB" was fated for a further rename later.

2006-04-14 thru 2006-11-22

    * Started a complementary Perl 6 project named "Relation" which was
    intended to provide native tuple and relation data types for ordinary
    use in Perl 6 programs like other built-in collection types.  It is
    now stagnant; it will likely get un-stuck after Muldis Rosetta sets an
    example for it.

2006-02-01 thru 2006-04-13

    * The first simultaneous releases of the Perl 5 and 6 versions of
    Rosetta's rewrite occurred on 2006-02-01; they were also the first CPAN
    releases of either version.  The Perl 6 one was Pugs release 6.2.11
    (SVN rev 8934).

    * On 2006-02-23 was the first (Perl 5) CPAN release of Rosetta where
    the project was then officially an implementation of "The Third
    Manifesto", the central work of Darwen and Date's DBMS proposal;
    moreover, Rosetta's command language was named "Rosetta D", to be a "D"
    language by the terms of said proposal.

    * On 2006-03-20 was the (Perl 5) release that declared Rosetta was to
    be fundamentally a self-contained relational DBMS (and the core
    distribution would bundle such an implementation of its API) rather
    than "just" a DBMS wrapper; though extensions could still chose to
    operate as wrappers over other DBMSs.

    * On 2006-04-13 was the last CPAN release of the Perl 5 Rosetta, and
    Pugs 6.2.12 (SVN rev 10930), on 2006-06-26, had the corresponding Perl
    6 version; Pugs 6.2.13 (SVN rev 11402), on 2006-10-27, had the last
    CPAN release of Perl 6 Rosetta, with trivial Perl 6 only updates.
    After this, Pugs would have a Muldis Rosetta instead.

2005-12-06 thru 2006-01-31

    * Rosetta started to evolve so that its API and design was based on
    relational algebra, which is a lot of smaller generic constructs that
    can easily be arranged into queries; this is in contrast to the
    previous design based around monolithic and unwieldy SQL "select"
    queries.  Generally speaking, there was increasing influence on the
    design by Hugh Darwen's and Chris Date's proposals on how a truly
    relational DBMS should work.  This time period also saw very little
    code, and almost entirely documentation updates.


    * Darren Duncan is introduced by David Wheeler to the truly relational
    model of data, in a posting on the Bricolage development list in the
    "Re: [6977] New branch for maintenance of Bricolage 1.10.x." thread.

    * David said that Darren's expressed thought, that compound data types
    in table fields was a violation of first normal form, was in fact a
    misconception about the relational model.  David then referenced a
    recent interview with C.J. Date.

    * This set off a chain of events which was the largest paradigm shift
    to ever affect the Rosetta project.  While the continuing goal of
    Rosetta remained largely the same, the way this was to be accomplished
    would become quite different, and the project would gain a new goal, to
    help improve the design of relational DBMSs themselves.

2005-09-30 thru 2005-12-04

    * Started a full rewrite of Rosetta, with the intent of avoiding being
    over-engineered, and cutting corners in the short term so to get
    something useable at all sooner.  The idea was to focus on vertical
    development first, so that at least a subset of features work earlier,
    taking the development strategy of Perl6-Pugs itself as an example;
    this is in contrast to the more horizontal development strategy of the
    first Rosetta implementation.

    * Moreover, this rewrite was being done simultaneously in both Perl 5
    and Perl 6; each language had its own independent but synchronized
    version, with the Perl 6 one intended to be the main future one that
    guided design decisions, and the Perl 5 one intended to be the one
    production-ready first, to be used until Perl 6 itself was production
    ready.  That co-development was maintained afterwards, and happens with
    the Muldis Rosetta core.

2002-11-12 thru 2005-09-28, plus 2006-01-13

    * Developed and released on CPAN the Rosetta DBMS framework, whose
    intended purpose was to provide rigorous portability of database
    schemas and database-using applications between different SQL DBMS
    products.  A lot of design documentation was produced, as well as some
    code and tests, but while a significant amount of executing code was
    produced, no solution emerged that was actually useable for real work;
    what did get produced was also unnecessarily complicated.

    * The very first CPAN release of anything related to Rosetta was on
    2003-01-05, in the form of DBIx::Portable version 0.01, as

    * A Lightning Talk was also given introducing Rosetta at OSCON 2005;
    but it is Muldis Rosetta instead that will fulfill the promises made in


    * Started writing self-contained code components that were explicitly
    designed to enable external code that used them to work seamlessly on
    multiple database products.  Some of this work was reused later in the
    Rosetta DBMS framework et al, and hence 2002 is the start of the
    declared copyright date range for Muldis D language specification.