== 0.2.1 -- 4/28/2008 ==

 * Unbroke the interface to Storage::Generic.
 * Added missing dependancy to Data::UUID.

== 0.2.0 -- 4/24/2008 ==

 * Massive refactor:
   - Built on Moose.
   - Any storage engine can be a front-store.
   - Callback passing (versus old static method).
 * Storage::Complex:
   - Treat the front store like a cache.
   - Separate 'granularity' parameter.
 * Storage::Throttled:
   - Can claim and retrieve messages for improved performance.
 * Comprehensive unit-test suite.

== 0.1.8 -- 2/5/2008 ==

 * Configurable message ID generators (UUIDs are now the default).
 * Abstracted Storage::Complex to take a configurable front-store and expire function.
 * An alterative memory-based storage engine (Storage::BigMemory) which operates in
   O(1) time with any number of messages.
 * Support for non-persistent topics (via topic://).
 * Use POE::Filter::Stomp for handling STOMP frame parsing.

== 0.1.7 -- 12/19/2007 ==

 * Added support for statistics gathering.
 * Attempt to shutdown gracefully after receiving the TERM, INT or HUP signals.
 * Fixed a bug where messages could get owned by a subscriber forever.

== 0.1.6 -- 9/5/2007 ==

 * Added a pump_deferred() function to send a message to pump a queue
 * Fixed a bug with ack_type => 'auto'
 * mq.pl: Output a sane error message when unable to write the crashed.log

== 0.1.5 -- 8/27/2007 ==

 * Added missing dependancies to Makefile.PL

== 0.1.4 -- 6/25/2007 ==

 * Added crash.log and daemonizing support to mq.pl script.
 * Added documentation for mq.pl script.
 * Various little documentation fixes.