# $Id: Changes,v 1.7 2007/04/18 15:23:06 creile Exp $
Changelog for Hardware-UPS-Perl:
0.10 2007/01/21
* initial distribution.
0.20 2007/01/29
* support for remote control via TCP added.
0.30 2007/02/05
* locking of serial device using flock
* reconnection if agent (or host) dies until available again
* OO PID files
* OO methods for logging to files
* separation of variables (constants) and functions for scripts
* variables are in @EXPORT_OK, except $UPSSCRIPT
* driver support using package Hardware::UPS::Perl::Driver
* update of documentation
0.40 2007/04/07
* Megatec protocol completed
* scripts upsadm.pl and upsstat.pl added
* restart using SIGHUP added
* connection support using package Hardware::UPS::Perl::Connection
0.41 2007/04/14
* minor bugfixes
0.42 2007/04/14
* documentation bugfix in upsagent.pl
0.43 2007/04/17
* documentation bugfixes
* missing import of Hardware::UPS::Perl::Logging added to
Hardware::UPS::Perl::Connection.pm and Hardware::UPS::Perl::Driver.pm
* test suite added