Revision history for Search::Elasticsearch::Async

2.02    2016-04-20
        Bumped version for Search::Elasticsearch 2.02

2.01    2016-04-15
        Bumped version for Search::Elasticsearch 2.01

2.00    2015-10-28

        The default client is now '2_0::Direct', for use with Elasticsearch 2.x.
        Specify client '1_0::Direct' if using with Elasticsearch 1.x.

1.99    2015-08-26

        This release provides support for Elasticsearch 2.0.0-beta1 and above,
        but the default client is still '1_0::Direct' and will remain so until
        version 2.00 is released.

1.20    2015-05-17
        Search::Elasticsearch::Async is no longer a Moo class
        Updated URLs to use instead

1.19    2015-01-15
        Added optional tests for https/authz/authen

1.18    2015-01-05
        Fixed bad logging test

1.17    2014-12-29

        Bug fix:
        * handle_args were not being passed to all backends,
          meaning that (eg) cookies could not be used

1.15    2014-11-05
         *  All async backends now default to not verifying
            SSL identities, but accept ssl_options to allow
            backend-specific configuration
         *  Improved Mojo exceptions

1.13    2014-06-13
        Breaking change:
            The Async::Scroll helper used to pass the scroll ID to
            scroll() and clear_scroll() in the query string by default,
            with the scroll_in_body parameter to change the behaviour.
            This was causing frequent errors with long scroll IDs, so
            the new default behaviour is to pass the scroll ID in the
            body, with the scroll_in_qs parameter to change that
        All Search::Elasticsearch::Async HTTP backends are now fork safe.

1.12    2014-05-09
        Fixed bug when trying to reindex from a subref
        Now requires Search::Elasticsearch v1.12

1.11    2014-04-23
        First release