Revision history for ElasticSearch-Transport-Curl

0.08    2013-03-06

        Deprecated the Elasticsearch namespace in favour of Search::Elasticsearch.

0.07    2012-11-14
        Previous change still didn't work. Copying tests from ES to this repo

0.06    2012-11-14
        Previous .tar.gz package was corrupt

0.05    2012-11-07
        Added a max_content_length attribute to ElasticSearch::Transport
        to avoid posting too large a body to elasticsearch. The value
        is auto-detected in versions 0.19.12 onwards

0.04    2012-02-17
        Use ElasticSearch::Transport::code_to_error to centralise HTTP error
        code mapping.
        Now requires ElasticSearch v 0.48

0.03    2011-08-27
        Added support for deflate()

0.02    2011-08-26

        Fixed some dependencies

0.01    2011-08-26

        First release