version: 0.12
date: 三 6月 30 11:53:56 CST 2010
- BUILDARGS to avoid users building Classwork, Approach objects
version: 0.11
date: 日 6月 20 14:35:38 CST 2010
- Catalyst's Makefile.PL confusing cpantesters
- Get PkgVersion to get versions right
version: 0.10
date: 六 6月 19 18:03:17 CST 2010
- Grades, Classwork delegate approach to CompComp or Groupwork objects.
- Try::Tiny exception blocks
- Work on making grading CompComp, Exams easier with scripts.
0.07 2010 2月 01, 10時30分50秒
- Apply Groupwork, CompComp or Jigsaw roles to Classwork role
0.07 日 6月 14 11:06:11 CST 2009
- Extensive use of MooseX::Types type checking.
0.06 日 6月 14 11:06:11 CST 2009
- Left Beans names in t/00-load.t, etc. Left out dependencies in classes.
0.05 日 6月 14 11:06:11 CST 2009
- MAKAROW has Script package/module.
0.04 五 6月 12 21:33:48 CST 2009
- Name change to Grades. Rewriting with Moosex::Declare
0.03 六 1月 24 10:33:37 CST 2009
- Combine for web interface to scripts for students to see grades.
- Use of Moose
0.02 2009-01-22 21:40:48
- initial revision, generated by Catalyst
0.01 2004 - 2008
First version, was scripts