Revision history for Perl extension HTTP::CryptoCookie.

1.11  Fri Feb 24 14:03:32 2006
	- fixup of problem in del_cookie method.
	- cleanup of POD
	- moved from Digest::SHA256 to Digest::SHA2 (due to deprecation)
	- fixup for CGI::Cookie 1.26

1.10  Fri Dec 02 07:45:56 2005
	- moved to HTTP tree in CPAN
	- cleaned up some tests
	- cleaned up code
	- improved POD and included die caveat when used
	  under mod_perl.

0.01  Wed May 28 23:26:26 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-AXc -n CryptoCookie -v 0.01 --use-new-tests -b 5.6.1 -O