Revision history for Perl extension Crypt::Blowfish.

2.08  Tue Oct 30 23:29:25 EST 2001
	- added two new functions:  min_keysize and max_keysize
	  these allow modules like Crypt::CBC_IL and Crypt::CBC_R
	  to use variable key lengths with CBC modes.
	- cleaned up
	- updated README

2.07  Thu Nov 30 02:59:29 EST 2000
	- minor change in XS
	- additions to reported platforms

2.06  Tue Jul 04 15:35:34 EST 2000
	- Win32 tested using VC++5.0, all tests passed on NT4/SP5

2.05  Tue Jul 04 14:42:13 EST 2000
	- non-public
	- code-cleanup
	- initial Win32 support

2.04  Wed May 17 21:42:54 EST 2000
	- non-public
	- code cleanup

2.03  Tue Feb 29 17:19:48 EST 2000
	- added small patch from LDS to Blowfish.xs

2.02  Sun Feb 13 21:49:58 EST 2000
	- added speed tests, fixed HP-UX functionality
	- cleaned up code
	- added README

2.01  Fri Feb 11 19:35:27 EST 2000
	- solidified XS support and extracted
	from original package.

2.00  Sun Sep  5 21:07:48 EST 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19