Revision history for Perl extension Net::CIDR::Lite.
0.14 Mon Jul 14 09:00:00 2002
- Fixed list_range for '' (and '::0/32'). But hey, I think
I was still one up on Net::CIDR proper which didn't (doesn't?)
work at all with any x/32 CIDR address. Besides, I needed to
get past lucky version 13.
0.13 Mon Jul 14 02:30:00 2002
- internal _add_bit method was never meant to overflow, but previous
fix made it necessary, but it wasn't doing it correctly, so I
had to change the internal data structure to store N+1 bytes
(5 bytes for 32 bit IPv4, and 17 bytes for IPv6), and change the
rest of the program to deal with it.
0.12 Sun Jul 14 22:00:00 2002
- Fixed off by one error on end of range in list_range method.
found by Allen Smith. added test.
- binary find was not working when target address was beginning
of a range. Also found by Allen Smith. added another test.
0.11 Mon Apr 15 21:05:00 2002
- Fixed infinite loop in list() when was given as an address.
found by Allen Smith. added test.
0.10 Tue Nov 27 09:05:00 2001
- Allow whitespace around '-' in add_range. So that what I posted
in a dead newsgroup on Usenet will actually work :-)
- Document add_any() method.
0.09 Mon Nov 26 21:05:00 2001
- Fixed warning in add_range().
0.08 Mon Nov 26 10:05:00 2001
- Fixed docs.
0.07 Wed Oct 31 10:05:00 2001
- Lifted some code from Array::IntSpan and tweaked it for my
purposes to do a binary search on a find() if the (# of IP addresses)/(the
# of ranges) is below some percentage (default 4%). The initial
search setup is still O(n*log(n)) for the sort, but it can speed up
subsequent searches for IP addresses. I haven't benchmarked
any of this, so for you Benchmark fanatics who use this module,
let me know some stats, please :-)
- Added binary search capability to N::C::L find method.
- Fixed NCL::Span find method (never trust version 1 of this stuff).
0.06 Tue Oct 30 10:05:00 2001
- Add find methods, one for ip lookup within a single cidr object, and
another as an Array::IntSpan style lookup, but for looking up addresses
in labeled cidr objects. Both are moderately inefficient for looking up
single ip addresses multiple times, but the latter is fairly efficient
at looking up many ip addresses all at once.
0.05 Thu Oct 25 10:05:00 2001
- Changed some unpack/pack code to use vec(). Thanks to Tye
for the knowledge and know-how (especially on how to efficiently use
the little-endian vec function on a big-endian string).
Unpack/pack w/operations on strings is sometimes faster
than the vec() method for some strings, but probably not
in the common case.
0.04 Tue Oct 23 18:05:00 2001
- bug in add_range() wasn't entering the end ip correctly.
- added list_range() function. Not sure if its useful since
it doesn't output ranges in CIDR netblock sizes. Could be changed
if desired, let me know either way.
0.03 Tue Oct 23 17:05:00 2001
- _compress_ipv6() was not stripping leading zeros within a block.
0.02 Tue Oct 23 14:45:00 2001
- Do addition with pseudo-bit manipulation (thanks to Tye for
initial idea, may go to complete binary operations in the future).
- Added IPv6 support.
- Clean up null nodes on 'as you go' on contiguous ranges (thanks
again to Tye for the idea and directly lifted code).
- Added more methods to simulate functionality of Net::CIDR and then
some (e.g. added add_range() function). Still don't have
octets function.
0.01 Tue Oct 16 09:26:01 2001
- Basic idea to use a hash to store the ranges improves speed
over Net::CIDR ( O(n*n) vs. O(n*log(n)) for you big O fans).
(created in answer to a 'puzzle' (at least I took it that way)
posted by Dominus on perlmonks).
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-A -X -n Net::CIDR::Lite