Revision history for Perl extension Net::CIDR::Lite.

0.03  Tue Oct 23 17:05:00 2001
    - _compress_ipv6() was not stripping leading zeros within a block.
0.02  Tue Oct 23 14:45:00 2001
    - Do addition with pseudo-bit manipulation (thanks to Tye for
      initial idea, may go to complete binary operations in the future).
    - Added IPv6 support.
    - Clean up nodes on contiguous ranges (thanks again to Tye for the idea).
    - Added more methods to simulate functionality of Net::CIDR and then
      some (e.g. added add_range() function).
0.01  Tue Oct 16 09:26:01 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-A -X -n Net::CIDR::Lite