Revision history for Perl extension Apache::Request.

=over 4

=item 0.31 - July 2, 1999 2.53's path/domain defaults will be used with -DDEFINE=CGI_253

Apache::Cookie->new($r)->parse will properly return () instead of
undef when there is no cookie header, thanks to Nick Tonkin for
the spot

=item 0.30_04 - May 13, 1999 

pass Apache::/Apache::SubRequest:: object to sv_magic, so it does not
go out of scope until the Apache::Request object does

=item 0.30_03 - May 5, 1999

when attaching request_rec* to Apache::Request object, dont let Perl copy it

=item 0.30_02 - April 30, 1999

always parse the query string (if present), including POST requests

fixed another bug related to path_info

fixed Apache::Cookie->path bug spotted by Jeffrey W. Baker
=item 0.30_01 - January, 27 - 1999

added ApacheRequest_script_name (r->uri minus r->path_info)

added eg/c/testapreq/Makefile.apxs

C sources *.[ch] moved to its own c/ directory (e.g. for easy cvs import)

fixed bug in ApacheRequest_parse_urlencoded (possible core dump on GET request)

allow `;' URI attribute delimiter as per HTML 4.0 spec

allow sub-classing via _r/r key mechanism

don't use $VERSION variable name in Makefile.PL
param() now uses set() instead of add() 
[Andreas J. Koenig <>]

=item 0.20_01 - January 6, 1999

Apache::libapreq for compiler + linker flags

added documentation

now build and install libapreq.a and header files

move cookie functions to new apache_cookie.c and Apache::Cookie modules

new Apache::Upload class

added param() method

we are now a subclass of Apache (requires 1.16_02+)

adhere to Apache code style guide

add logic to parse GET requests [Larry Foard <>]

fix apache_request.h not to use mod_perl.h and deal w/ g++
[Larry Foard <>]

=item 0.01 - October 23, 1998

original version [Doug MacEachern <>]
basic framework for parsing HTTP cookies and POST data of types:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
