Revision history for Text-Capitalize
original version; created by Stanislaw Y. Puspep.
this included only the capitalize function
0.2 Fri Aug 1 10:19:49 2003
- created a new framework using h2xs 1.22 with options
-AX -n Text::Capitalize
capitalize_title function added by Joseph Brenner
Changed stucture of driving loop for capitalize_title,
fixed a few bugs and (hopefully) improved readability.
Added "special effects" functions: scramble_case, random_case, zippify_case
0.4 Thu Sep 18 17:50:13 2003, Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:13 PM
Cleaned up documentation slightly, belatedly added the
above remark "0.3", which describes the version 0.3 release.
Fixed bad bug: all routines now use localized $_, to
keep from clobbering $_ in calling code.
Added tests for random_case and scramble_case.
0.5 Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:24 AM
Bug fix release for the test suite: if the current
locale can't deal with the international characters
use in some of the test cases, those particular test
cases will be skipped.
0.6-0.8 Tuesday March 17, 2009 10:32 AM
All bug fix releases for the tests, redesigning them
to make them insensitive to the set-up of locales.
0.9 Wed Jan 6 19:10:10 2010
Revised the documentation. Switched to Module::Build.
Refactored some routines.
1.0 Fixed "use lib" lines in *.t files (new layout from
module_starter since 0.9).
Added "use utf8" to all files, and deleted "use locale".
Made sure all files were saved with utf8 encoding
(many were latin-1 before).
Now requiring at least perl 5.6 (previously 5.4).
1.1 Improved speed of capitalize_title routine.
1.2 Improved portability to perl 5.6.