Revision history for Perl extension Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Portability

2.000006  2015-01-22
  - Add the file in one shot, rather than adding then munging
  - Remove dependency on Moose::Autobox for tests [kentnl; GH #4]

2.000005  2013-08-03
  - Don't shoot ourselves in the foot in the tests [kentnl; GH #3]

2.000004  2013-04-09
  - Test only for our deprecation warnings

2.000003  2012-06-16
  - Use a decimal version number

2.0.2     2011-09-12
  - Update SYNOPSIS

2.0.1     2011-09-07
  - Packaging updates

v2.0.0    2011-09-07
  - Renamed to Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Portability

1.111840  2011-07-03 14:36:35 Europe/Vienna
  - Added support for options (thanks magnificent-tears)

1.101420  2010-05-22 18:10:41 Europe/Vienna
  - removed weaver.ini since that's handled in Dist::Zilla's [@MARCEL] now
  - list Test::Portability::Files in dist.ini so we don't use() it anymore

1.100700  2010-03-11 17:40:30 Europe/Vienna
  - fixing error message in generated file
  - shortcut synopsis tests

1.100690  2010-03-10 23:56:29 Europe/Vienna
  - original version