Revision history for Perl extension Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-DistManifest
2.000004 2013-08-03
- Don't shoot ourselves in the foot in the tests [kentnl; GH #1]
2.000003 2013-04-09
- Fix spurious failures in deprecated.t with v5.17.9
2.000002 2012-06-16
- Use a decimal version number
2.0.1 2011-09-07
- packaging updates
2.0.0 2011-09-07
- fixed POD
- Renamed to Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::DistManifest
1.101420 2010-05-22 15:47:40 Europe/Vienna
1.100710 2010-03-12 10:31:47 Europe/Vienna
- original version