
	- transaction related operations are enclosed in eval blocks;
	- $SQL_VERSION introduced;


	- no more error messages for 'validate_... not found';
	- profiling added;
	- fixed charset for XLS files;


	- DHTML fix: tabindex is now set for <select>s;
	- speed optimization: get_user's SQL is no more executed when $_REQUEST {type} eq '_static_files';
	- speed optimization: keepalive requests are now delayed;


	- use Carp;
	- *::Cookie loading fix;
	- set_cookie API function added;
	- js fix: escaping '\' in draw_form_field_htmleditor sub;
	- handler fixed for Windows&CGI case: copying 0.gif e.t.c. to /i is no longer needed; (Zanas::Request bug ?)
	- removed dependency of Apache::Request in Makefile.PL;
	- force_label option in draw_row_button sub;


	- core_auto_esc related fix (cleaning up the request string);


	- $_USER -> {demo_level} introduced;


	- alpha support for height option in draw_table;
	- core_auto_esc facility fixed for the '..' case;
	- log_action fix: id_object => $_REQUEST {id} || $_OLD_REQUEST {id};	


	- pub_handler changed: now passing all form input values after validation fail;
	- js fix: scrollable_table_row limited;
	- sql_do_refresh_sessions/Oracle transaction related fix;
	- no more immediate keepalive requests ('virgin' parameter added);


	- create_url fixed for compatibility with $conf -> {core_auto_esc};
	- added order option in sql_select_vocabulary sub;
	- documentation fixes;
	- get_user fixed (multirole specific bug was introduced in 0.9937 with Oracle support);
	- conf option core_auto_esc added;


	- added icon option in draw_centered_toolbar_button sub;


	- startup logging beautyfied;
	- magic parameter $_REQUEST {__redirect_alert} added;
	- main menu rendering changed for {no_page} items;


	- fixed logging (was broken with adding support for Oracle);


	- public_handler fixed: now loading Apache::Cookies;
	- delete $_REQUEST {id} in sql_do_delete;
	- added support for Oracle;
	- sql_reconnect & sql_disconnect are moved to PerlChildInitHandler & PerlChildExitHandler;


	- logging changed (keep original %_REQUEST state);
	- sql_do_delete enhanced: Post Mortem Photo feature added.


	- {lpt => 1} tables where $_REQUEST {id} is set are now allowed;
	- draw_row_button is off when $_REQUEST {lpt} is set;
	- js enhancement: click on td moves the slider;
	- {empty} now is cheched with defined, not exists (by pashka);
	- calendars are no more rendered for MSIE 5.0;


	- draw_input_cell now returns empty <td> insteaf of '' when off => 1;
	- added attributes option in draw_table_header;
	- added picture option in draw_input_cell;


	- charset in html documentation;
	- wx_handler introduced (early alpha);
	- direct hrefs in main menu;


	- size option in draw_form_field_password;


	- small fix in draw_toolbar_pages: nevative paga numbers (thanks RomALo);
	- $data -> {max_len} defaults to $data -> {size} in draw_text_cell (thanks pashka);
	- no more trunc_string in draw_input_cell (thanks pashka);


	- trunc_string now does nothing when xls=1;
	- new field type: date (synonym for datetime with no_time => 1);
	- new option: no_read_only in draw_form_field_datetime sub;


	- draw_select_cell sub added (by pashka);
	- draw_text_cell fixed for {off => 1} (by pashka);


	- fixed a js bug introduced in 0.9926 (popup menus rendering);


	- new option no_clear_button in draw_form_field_datetime (thanks RomALo);
	- fixed a bug with empty record duplication in draw_toolbar_input_select (thanks RomALo);
	- added support for plain CGI in pub_handler;
	- plain hrefs in menus (thanks pashka);


	- out_html, sql_download_file and pub_handler fixed for proper file downloading on public sites;


	- draw_radio_cell sub added (by pashka for another pashka);


	- module compilation errors are in STDERR again (lost in 0.9922);
	- fixed [X] button for datetime control: <nobr>;
	- fixed default Content-Type header for pub_handler;
	- added X-Powered-By header;
	- fixed a bug: keepalive requests now work for non-root install;
	- HTML cacheing for public sites is completely redone (files instead of LONGTEXT), many bugs fixed;
	- some code cleanup;


	- cache_html column types are changed to longtext;
	- added support for client side caching (proper If-Modified-Since handling);
	- get rid of Mozilla/Unsupported;
	- doc fixes;
	- [X] button for datetime control (by pashka);
	- fixed a bug with CGI interface inroduced in 0.9918 (by pashka);


	- new $conf option: core_cache_html. HTML cacheing in pub_handler introduced;	


	- new redirect kind: 'http';
	- fixed a bug in draw_form_field_select (empty item duplicates);
	- fixed a bug in draw_form_field_select (" -> &quot; in IDs);
	- added support for public sites: pub_handler introduced;


	- fixed a bug introduced in 0.9918 (current path resolution);
	- 0.gif & 0.html are moved to $_REQUEST {__uri};


	- saving files fith original extensions in upload_file;
	- file purging fixes;
	- new sub: sql_select_loop;
	- Zanas.pm application can now live in a separated subdirectory (e.g. /admin/?sid=123456, /crm/?sid=6666666...);


	- new option 'target' in redirect of kind 'js';
	- new option 'before' in redirect of kind 'js';


	- added size option for draw_toolbar_input_text;
	- fixed HTML for toolbar inputs;
	- new widget: draw_toolbar_input_submit;
	- create_url fixed for setting 'salt' directly (by pashka) (why?!);


	- fixed a typo in draw_form_field_htmleditor;

	- fixed minor bug in i18n ($$i18n{toolbar_pager_empty_list} wasn't interpolated);
	- i18n for page_title implemented ($conf -> {$lang} -> {_page_title});
	- new form field type introduced: 'iframe';
	- onChange option for form field type 'file';


	- new option in draw_form_field_htmleditor: toolbar (by pashka);
	- new option in draw_table: top_toolbar;
	- new option in draw_table: path;
	- new option in draw_table: title;
	- draw_toolbar: buttons as hashrefs, not plain HTML;
	- i18n support added;
	- simultaneous sessions for multiple roles support added (by pashka);


	- create_url sub fixed to always set random 'salt' parameter;
	- new feature: js redirects with messages;


	- js fix: checkboxes (draw_checkbox_cell) are now toggled by spacebar even when focused;
	- js fixes related to focus handling on slider move;
	- 'undocumented' warnings in docs generator;


	- 'keep_params' option added to draw_form and draw_toolbar_input_text subs;
	- fixed a bug caused the table slider to disappear then lpt option was set in draw_table;
	- draw_toolbar_input_checkbox sub added;


	- fixed a bug in draw_row_button (no sid inheritance when confirm is defined);


	- check_title sub is added, draw_table_header, draw_row_button and draw_text_cell are fixed to use it;


	- magic %_REQUEST params documented;
	- trees in 'checkboxes' are supported;


	- new $conf options: kb_options_menu, kb_options_buttons, kb_options_pager and kb_options_focus;
	- hotkey and hotkeys subs added;
	- draw_toolbar_input_select sub added;
	- draw_form_field_checkboxes redone dramatically;


	- Zanas::Docs added;


	- added 'read_only' option in draw_menu sub;


	- new magic parameter: __help_url;
	- draw_text_cell fix: no hrefs rendered when lpt=1;
	- added 'position' option in add_totals sub;
	- added 'read_only' option in draw_input_cell sub;
	- another XLS fix: $conf -> {site_root} removed, $$ added in temporary filename;


	- serving XLS responses refactored: $conf -> {site_root} is obsoleted & no more filesystem garbage;
	- <title> fixed to $$conf{page_title} in lpt mode;	
	- new magic parameter: $_REQUEST{_xls_checksum}. Added in the 1st <td> in an invisible extra row of the main table (LPT mode only);

	- added magic parameter _xml (included in <head>);
	- added namespace for excel;
	- added title attribute for table headers an cells;
	- added 'a_class' option to draw_text_cells sub;
#	- storing sid in session-only cookie;

0.99: 15.03.2004 10:30

	- pulldown menu rendering fixed (no glitches now);
	- js function open_popup_menu is moved to navigation.js;

0.98: 12.03.2004 11:00

	- new feature: 2-level main menu;
		sub get_menu_for_my_role {

			return [
					name  => 'type1',
					label => 'Screen Type 1',
					items => [
							name  => 'type11',
							label => 'Screen Type 11',
							name  => 'type12',
							label => 'Screen Type 12',
					name  => 'type2',
					label => 'Screen Type 2',

0.97: 10.03.2004 16:40

	- sql_reconnect and Config reloading order fixed;
	- target option added in draw_toolbar_button sub;

0.96: 09.03.2004 17:00

	- target option added in draw_toolbar sub;
	- Zanas::Install is forked out;	
	- order sub fixed for correct DESC handling;
	- draw_table fixed for not scrolling through totals;
	- added is_total option to draw_text_cell sub;
	- added real_path option to upload_file output;
	- added add_columns option in sql_upload_file sub (by pashka);
	- Zanas::Request fixed for the case where directory listing is denied;
	- Apache::Constants::OK fixed for prototype matching.

0.95: 03.03.2004 12:30

	- add_totals sub added;
	- $_REQUEST {__response_sent} is now used when doing actions (by pashka);
	- redirection target is changed from _top to _parent (by pashka);

0.94: 02.03.2004 16:00

	- (by pashka) no more strong dependency on Apache::Request or even mod_perl.
	  One can use Zanas.pm based apps on any raw CGI hosting. The script is

----------- cut here ------------------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use lib '/path/to/webapp/library';

use MYAPP;

$MYAPP::preconf = {

	db_dsn => "DBI:mysql:database=mybase",
	db_user => 'myuser',
	db_password => 'mypassword',
	core_load_modules => 0,
	core_spy_modules => 0,	
	core_fix_modules => 0,	
	core_gzip => 1,	



----------- cut here ------------------------

	  It's 20 times more slow, but it works;
	- fixed a security hole with 'type=users_for_admin' (by pashka);
	- multirole fixes (by pashka);
	- added $_REQUEST {redirect_params} handling (idea by pashka);
	- new log fields: id_object and ip;

0.93: 26.02.04 12:50

	- targets are now in use with activate_link js function;
	- target option is now passed in draw_text_cells;	
	- don't show labels for hrgoups items that are off;	
	- <tr> are now marked as id="tr_$$field{name}" in draw_form;
	- added setVisible js function;
	- added onChange option to draw_form_field_select sub;
	- added onClose option to draw_form_field_datetime sub;
	- fixed a bug with calendar format;

0.92: 19.02.04 10:40

	- added href option in draw_text_cells sub;
	- draw_text_cell now receives 2 args: data and options, data can be scalar (label only);
	- '..' option in draw_table;
	- don't load Mozilla3;

0.91: 13.02.04 10:30

	- added a 'no_nobr' option in draw_text_cell;
	- added a 'title' option in draw_text_cell;

0.90: 12.02.04 10:30

	- added a configuration option: $conf -> {exit_url};

	- fixed a bug in draw_toolbar_input_text (useless sid hidden input);
	- fixed a bug in check_href (useless sid appending);
	- href option in check_href sub ( => almost *EVRYWHERE*) can now be a HASHref (fed to create_url);
	- added 'additional_buttons' option in draw_form.
	- added 'status_switch'	utility function. Synopsis (in YOUR_APP/Config.pm):
our ($SQL_STATUS, $status) = status_switch (<<EOS);
		WHEN now() > my_table.expire_dt THEN 2 # Expired
		WHEN my_table.is_ok             THEN 1 # OK
		ELSE                                 0 # New
	To use it, add 'use Zanas::Util;' BEFORE 'use YOUR_APP::Config;'.
	- added 'read_only' option for all form inputs;
	- now working unless Apache::Request is installed: in this case, params are fetched with CGI.pm;
	- 'values' option in draw_form_field_static sub can be a hashref;

	added 'headers' sub:
		draw_table (
			headers (qw(
				ยน		no
				Label		label
			sub {
	- added 'hrefs' sub (for column ordering):
		href      => create_url (order => $order, desc => 0),
		href_asc  => create_url (order => $order, desc => 0),
		href_desc => create_url (order => $order, desc => 1),	
	- added 'href_asc' and 'href_desc' options to draw_text_cell.
	- new magic parameter: __pack. Resizes the new opened window to fit its contents.
	- added js function: nop. Does nothing.
	- new magic parameter: __read_only. All form inputs are static.
	- added 'picture' option to draw_form_field_string and draw_form_field_static subs

0.87: 30.01.04 10:30

	- added 'value' option to draw_checkbox_cell sub

0.86: 29.01.04 16:30

	- added 'confirm' option to draw_centered_toolbar_button sub
	- added 'target' option to draw_toolbar_button sub

0.85: 22.01.04 11:52

	- 0.gif is relocated to the root
	- no more 'keepalive' iframe on logon screen

0.84: 21.01.04 13:45

	- Accept-Encoding header is now considered

0.83: 21.01.04 12:15

	- menu.js is killed

0.82: 21.01.04 11:00

	- 0.html is relocated to the root

0.81: 20.01.04 14:00

	- Zanas::Install module added;
	- gzip encoding for basic js and css;
	- sub sql_select_subtree added;

0.80: 26.12.03 14:30

	- basic js and css is now served from Zanas.pm itself;
	- fixed a memory leak related to __include_js and __include_css handling;
	- distro is cleaned up;

0.79: 25.12.03 12:30
	- added html sweeping option ($conf -> {core_sweep_spaces});
	- _W_A_R_N_I_N_G_ !!! Basic navigation javaScript is now served as static content. Copy or symlink static/navigation.js to your app /docroot/i/ dir;
	- added gzipping option ($conf -> {core_gzip}). Requires Compress::Zlib.
	- added Content-Range header in download_file sub;

0.78: 24.12.03 12:30

	- added Content-Length header in download_file sub;
	- added support for $preconf configuration hash (setting in <perl> section);
	- added support for __focused_input magic parameter;
	- sub add_vocabularies added;
	- sub sql_select_vocabulary added;
	- $conf -> {top_banner} is now rendered;

0.77: 17.12.03 10:30

	- added db schema autocheck with DBIx::ModelUpdate;
	- added support for multiroled users (by pashka);
	- __no_navigation is now passed through URL rewriting (by pashka);
	- fixed check_href for /i/ (by pashka);

0.76: 16.12.03 10:30

	- various js fixes in table scrolling/focus handling;

0.75: 15.12.03 14:00

	- new field type: 'calendar' (control taken from http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl);

	- added support for:
		$conf -> {include_js}  ||= ['js'];
		$_REQUEST {__include_js} = $conf -> {include_js};

		$conf -> {include_css} ||= ['new'];
		$_REQUEST {__include_css} = $conf -> {include_css};
		Fckeditor js include moved there.
	- added off option to draw_toolbar_input_htmleditor sub;

0.74: 04.12.03 14:00

	- added confirm option to draw_toolbar_button sub;
	- added target option to draw_form sub;

0.73: 02.12.03 15:00

	- added off option to draw_toolbar_input_text sub;
	- added top_banner configuration option;

0.72: 28.11.03 16:00

	- added type-ahead facility to all <select> controls (recipe taken from http://www.oreillynet.com/javascript/2003/09/03/examples/jsdhtmlcb_bonus2_example.html);
	- new magic parameter: __no_navigation. Hides top navigation toolbar and replaces ok_esc_toolbar by close toolbar (for popup windows);
	- added draw_close_toolbar sub;
	- added attributes option to draw_form_field_string sub (for attributes like readonly, disabled etc.);

0.71: 27.11.03 16:20
	- fixed sql_select_all_cnt sub (case: GROUP BY);
	- added value option draw_form_field_select sub;

0.70: 26.11.03 12:00
	- added sql_select_scalar sub;
	- added draw_input_cell sub (by hekima);
	- fixed MSIE_5_js_ok_escape sub (case: no_ok option is set);
	- fixed a bug in draw_form_field_static (case: values option defined);
	- added label_width and cell_width options to all draw_form_field_... subs;
	- added href, target and a_class options in draw_form_field_static sub;
	- fixed draw_form sub (empty <tr>s when $field -> {off});
	- fixed upload_file sub (case: no file upload field at all);

0.69: 25.11.03 15:50
	- added picture option in draw_text_cell sub (Number::Format is now required for install);
	- added draw_text_cells sub;
	- added tooltips in draw_text_cell sub;

0.68: 24.11.03 10:10
	- js fix (char 13 from keyboard & javascript href);
	- added checked option in draw_form_field_checkbox sub (by hekima);
	- added support for $_REQUEST {__meta_refresh} parameter;
	- truncating long strings in draw_form_field_static sub;

0.67: 20.11.03 14:00

	- added values option in draw_form_field_static
	- added support for multicolumn form rows via nested arrays in draw_form sub
	- steps in draw_path in multiline mode (Mayakovsky style)
	- added support for multirow table headers via nested arrays in draw_table sub
	- draw_toolbar_pager is fixed for the case total == 0

0.66: 18.11.03 13:40
	- added portion option in draw_toolbar_pager
	- added support for $_REQUEST {__blur_all} parameter
	- added support for $_REQUEST {__scrollable_table_row} parameter
	- more js fixes
	- added file (up|down)load API: delete_file, download_file, upload_file, sql_download_file, sql_upload_file subs and $_REQUEST {__response_sent} parameter
	- added hidden inputs to draw_form_field_static (by hekima)
	- multiline path fixes (by pashka)
	- separate tds for each button in draw_row_buttons sub

0.65: 17.11.03 12:44
	- "Generator" meta tag with version number added in draw_page sub
	- empty action values are now allowed in draw_form

0.64: 17.11.03 11:51
	- added multiline option in draw_path
	- added width & height options in draw_form_field_htmleditor (by pashka)
	- added check_href facility to draw_ok_esc_toolbar and draw_esc_toolbar (by pashka)
0.63: 14.11.03 12:35
	- added value option in draw_form_field_static sub (by hekima)
	- don't show ':' after empty labels in draw_form_field_hgroup (by hekima)
	- js fix: added support for scancodes 48..57

0.62: 13.11.03 09:40
	- added href attribute for table headers in draw_table sub (by hekima)
	- added value option in draw_form_field_text sub (by hekima)
	- fixed a bug with '$name.submit'
	- added 'off' parameter in draw_toolbar_button sub

0.61: ... Can't remember at all :-((

0.60: 06.11.03 10:40
	- added draw_form_field_button sub (by hekima)
	- added support for arbitary value in draw_toolbar_input_text sub (by hekima)
	- optional rows and cols numbers in draw_form_field_text sub (by hekima)
	- optional form name in draw_ok_esc_toolbar and draw_form subs (by hekima)
	- js fix for scrollable table navigation
	- draw_toolbar_input_text refactored for parameter stickness
	- added cgi_tail option in sql_select_path and sql_draw_path subs

0.59: 03.11.03 12:28
	- added support for keepalive
	- size and max_length attributes separated in draw_form_field_string
	- default 'string' type in draw_form_field_hgroup
	- don't show ':' after empty labels in forms

0.58: 30.10.03 14:21
	- workaround for missing error message templates (by Hekima)
	- added 'mandatory' option in draw_form sub
	- added 'a_class' parameter in draw_text_cell sub

0.57: 23.10.03 14:52
	- added 'off' parameter in draw_window_title and draw_table subs
	- added 'draw_text_cell' parameter in draw_text_cell sub
	- added 'attributes' parameter in draw_text_cell sub
	- added support for multiple per-row callbacks in draw_table sub
	- js fixes for fast find/table scrolling
	- js fixes for multitable scrolling

0.56: 21.10.03 15:56
	- fixed check_href: period parameter

0.55: 13.10.03 10:23
	- added sql_select_path sub;

0.54: 30.09.03 10:28
	- added check_href sub;
	- new field types: 'image' & 'htmleditor' (htmleditor taken from http://www.fredck.com/FCKeditor/);
0.53: 26.09.03 13:18
	- added error reporting when reloading modules;
	- fixed hidden inputs rendering;
	- added $options -> {value} for hidden inputs.