Revision history for Getopt-Modular
0.07 June 3, 2011
* Fix some doc typos, add more explanation on how defaults are dynamic
* Reorder revision history: new stuff at top.
+ Added import options: -namespace, -getOpt
0.06 October 28, 2010
! Remove the rest of the dependency on Contextual::Return since it
no longer seems to work on perl 5.8.8
0.05 September 1, 2010
! Gotta run all tests prior to shipping. Fixed an erroneous test.
0.04 August 31, 2010
! Fixed some tests: kwalitee didn't eval right, help didn't skip right.
+ Added some tests to improve test coverage
! Removed some (not all) dependency on Contextual::Return where it
didn't seem to want to work properly.
- Removed dependency on Smart::Comments since they're only used for
debugging, not runtime.
0.03 July 24, 2008
! Removed some boilerplate
* Defaults for boolean now show up in English rather than
perl-bool (undef vs 1) in the help
+ Settable boolean text
+ Added getHelpWrap for Text::Wrapped help.
0.02 July 23, 2008
! Fixed missing pre-req
+ Added Changes
0.01 July 22, 2008
+ Core functionality released