Revision history for Perl extension DB2.

	* Original version: a massive rewrite from the three or four
	  previous frameworks, first time prepared for possible

        ! Added significant (read: non-trivial) test cases.  Found problems
          while doing so.  Reorganised some code.

        + Added SELECT_join, find_join to DB2::Table
        + Added case insensitive match for DB2::db::get_table

        ! API CHANGE
	  - Obsoleted get_row_table_relationship
          + Add add_row_table_relationship (to add more flexibility,
            and save me some significant typing)

        + Added !!!/!<tbl>! support to CONSTRAINT and FOREIGNKEY
          column attributes
        + Improved return codes from DB2::Row->save() - should be able
          to reliably use "true" as success.  Note that if nothing has
          changed, it is considered "true" that it saved okay.
        + Add default ROW setting for setup_row_table_relationship
          Defaults to C<$tablename . "R"> .
        + Added add_table as a simpler way to call
          add_row_table_relationship (especially when using the new

        + Added default row type - now you don't need to derive a type
          from DB2::Row if you have nothing to overload.  Deriving from
          DB2::Table remains since you always have to overload data_order.
        + Added add_tables as a simpler way to call add_table, only if
          using the defaults.
        + Added set_default_package for adding tables in other packages.

        + Added get_base_row_type (was base_row_type in 0.15, but not
        * Submitted to CPAN for the first time

        + Added LICENSE file.  Woops.

        + Reworked SELECT to be a more general function.
          + Added ability to pass in columns as array ref
          + Added ability to pass in extra options
            + Added FOR READ ONLY clause, made it the default for find*
          - Obsoleted SELECT_join and SELECT_distinct as they can both
            be done via SELECT (simultaneously, even!)
          + Added statement attributes
        + Slight speed-up to DB2::db::get_row_type_for_table by converting
          eval STR to eval BLOCK.
        + Added DB2::Row::as_hash for *::Template users

        + Allowed table types to be pre-loaded - if you don't want to put
          the table package into its own module, you'll need to use/require
          it first, and then DB2::db::get_table will just use it.
        + Setting $DB2::db::debug to greater than 1 will now Carp::cluck
          the SQL statement about to be prepared so you can see the context
          of any DBD::DB2 error messages.

	+ Added table delete functions - delete_id, delete_where, allowing
          for massive cleanups without having to retrieve the data first.