Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::TextIndex.
0.05 Added unscored_search() which returns a reference to an array of
document_ids, without scores. Should be much faster than scored search.
Added error handling in case _occurence() doesn't return a number.
0.04 Bug fix: add_document() will return if passed empty array ref
instead of producing error.
Changed _boolean_compare() and _phrase_search() so and_words and
phrases behave better in multiple-field searches. Result set for each
field is calculated first, then union of all fields is taken for
final result set.
Scores are scaled lower in _search().
0.03 Added example scripts in examples/.
0.02 Added or_mask_set.
0.01 Initial public release. Should be considered beta, and methods may
be added or changed until the first stable release.