Revision history for Benchmark-DKbench
2.4 2024-04-24
- Added support for custom benchmarks.
- Corrected BioPerl Codons bench.
2.4 2023-09-29
- Added --scale and --stdev options.
2.3 2023-09-25
- Show Perl threads/multi config.
- Minimum module version for passing benchmarks.
- Improvements for Strawberry Perl (prefer the much faster WSL though - or at least cygwin).
2.2 2023-09-21
- Time::Piece test is optional for all platforms.
- Switched to monotonic clock instead of wall.
- dkbench -h option.
2.1 2023-09-09
- Added Text::Levenshtein and DBI/SQL benchmarks.
- Added -ver command line option.
- Made tests locale-independent.
- Switched to System::Info from Sys::Info.
- Removed libjpeg dependency.
- More documentation.
2.0 2023-08-28
- Rewritten with more benchmarks and multi-threading.
- First CPAN release.
1.0 2021-12-21
- First version.