Revision history for Perl extension Set::Array.

0.01  Tue Sep 25 15:34:11 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-A -X -n Set::Array

0.02  Wed Sep 26 16:00:00 2001
        - Modified several methods to either handle or die on
          undefined values.  The following methods were changed:

        count - Counts undef elements if no args (or undef).
        delete - Dies if no arg (or undef).  Now takes a list,
           rather than a scalar, as an arg (though can still take
           a scalar, of course).
        delete_at - Dies if no start index supplied (or undef).
        exists - Now possible to test for existence of 'undef'.
        foreach - Dies if no arg supplied (or undef).
        index - If no arg (or undef), returns index of first
           occurrence of 'undef' value within array.
        indices - Dies if no arg supplied (or undef).
        join - Now defaults to comma if no value supplied.

0.03  Tue Oct 2 08:00:00 2001
        - Changed the 'splice' method so that its return values
        are consistent with the rest of the module.

0.04  Fri Oct 5 12:00:00 2001
        - Modified the 'sort' method so that it handles coderefs
        in the same manner as Perl's built-in 'sort' method (with
        the exception that the word 'sub' is required).  Thanks
        to Sean McAfee for the help.

0.05  Mon Oct 9 12:30:00 2001
        - Turned on the 'fallback' option for 'overload'.  This
        prevents errors for simple operations like "if($sao)", because
        I was accidentally using the overloaded operators in some
        cases where I meant to use the CORE operators.  Thanks to
        Terrence Brannon for the spot.

0.06  Tue Nov 20 14:30:00 2001
        - Fixed a bug with the 'unique' method.  I had evaluated
        contexts incorrectly, causing it to fail when part of a
        chain.  Thanks to Steffen Muller for the spot.
        - Freed some memory that was being wasted in the unique method
        - Fixed this archive a bit to expand a bit more properly

0.07  Tue Nov 27 09:00:00 2001
        - Added the 'set()' method.  Thanks to Steffen Muller for the idea.
        - Created an alias called 'get()' for the 'indices()' method.
        - Fixed several methods that weren't handling '0' correctly.
        - Replaced 'die' with 'croak' throughout module.
        - Updated the docs.

0.08  Fri Dec 21 09:00:00 2001
        - Modified 'is_equal' and 'not_equal' to deal with undef values
        - Stricter error checking in 'foreach' method
        - Added 'impose()' method
        - Added 'pack()' method
        - Added 'rindex()' method
        - Added the beginnings of a test suite
        - Fixed a major bug in the 'delete_at()' method (oops)
        - Renamed 'empty()' method to 'is_empty()'