Revision history for perl module AnyEvent::UserAgent
0.07 2014-09-02
- Fixed cookie handling (thanks to Eric Johnson).
0.06 2014-07-31
- Renamed timeout attribute to inactivity_timeout.
- Added request_timeout attribute (thanks to Alexander Onokhov).
- Added Client-Warning header on error, like in LWP::UserAgent.
0.05 2014-06-21
- Fixed test failed for perl <= 5.12.
0.04 2014-06-20
- Added support for redefine some options of the user agent for one
request only.
- Added support for arguments of AnyEvent::HTTP::http_request method.
- Fixed changing of the request options during the redirects.
- Fixed processing of the request headers.
- Added more tests.
0.03 2014-04-12
- Fixed processing of an invalid URLs (reported by Andrey Khozov).
0.02 2013-10-06
- Implemented Basic authorization support.
- Implemented redirects support.
- Fixed processing of the cookies in redirects.
- Added max_redirects attribute.
- Added more tests.
0.01 2013-08-16
- Initial public release.