0.19 2015-04-18 19:27:13+02:00 Europe/Madrid
- Support for win32 when prunning dead workers (codehead)
- dzil cleanup
0.18 2014-03-07 22:41:44CET+0100 Europe/Madrid
- Coerce object exceptions into string (issue #14)
0.17 2013-25-12 19:10:21 Europe/Madrid
- Stop comparing encoded json as it's broken with hash randomization (issue #13)
0.16 2013-07-12 19:10:21 Europe/Madrid
- Watch forked jobs exit status (Wolfgang Kinkeldei)
0.15 2013-04-26 16:38:40 Europe/Madrid
- Docs cleanup
- Allow custom job classes (Michal Sedlák)
0.14 2013-04-26 15:04:00 Europe/Madrid
- Respect worker queues order when reserving jobs (stop iterating!)
0.13 2013-03-07 15:51:47 Europe/Madrid
- Added support to use libs that use FindBin on worker classes
0.12 2013-02-15 02:50:41 Europe/Madrid
- Moved to Moose (from Any::Moose)
- New plugin system to allow Resque, Resque::Worker and Resque::Job roles (experimental and under documented)
- Store properly exceptions backtrace on Failure (Yusuke Watase)
0.11 2012-06-27 13:34:37 Europe/Madrid
- Fixed Worker::worker_pids() to also filter grep's own pid!
0.10 2012-06-27 13:11:34 Europe/Madrid
- Fixed Worker::worker_pids() to support solaris
0.09 2012-04-30 11:27:49 Europe/Madrid
- Fixed and documented requeue method on Resque::Failures
- New tests on requeue and remove failures
- Updated redis launcher test library (copied from Melo's Redis one)
0.08 2012-04-12 17:05:17 Europe/Madrid
- Worker interval attribute accept floating seconds (Time::HiRes::sleep).
- Worker interval attribute is documented now.
0.07 2012-04-03 00:39:06 Europe/Madrid
- Back to Redis dependency
- Using reconnect facility of Redis module
- encoding undef as recommended on Redis docs
0.06 2012-01-04 16:36:08 Europe/Madrid
- Replaced dependency on Redis for RedisDB
- Handle redis re-connection thank's to RedisDB
- More tests on workerland
- Stop requiring 5.10 on test libs
0.05 2012-01-03 20:30:46 Europe/Madrid
- Relaxed regex to catch pid's of running workers
0.04 2011-12-30 22:19:55 Europe/Madrid
- Hope this is the last POD bug. I suck!
- Delegate Resque::Job::redis() to resque()
0.03 2011-12-30 18:42:04 Europe/Madrid
- Renamed Pod::Weaver config file (old name was useless)
0.02 2011-12-30 18:34:32 Europe/Madrid
- POD reformatting to look fine on CPAN :-)
0.01 2011-12-30 17:50:59 Europe/Madrid
- Kind of working, need lot if tests and features