Revision history for DBIx-Class-I18NColumns
0.08 04/12/2010
Getting out ForceUTF8(deprecated) dependency.
0.07 04/05/2010
Let i18n fields be undef or empty string on set.
0.06 04/05/2010
Overloaded insert() to manage language.
Overloaded ResultSet::new_result to be able to set i18n columns
on rs->new({}).
0.05 04/02/2010
Propagate sqlt_deploy_hook to the auto-created resultsource.
Create a new column on the rs to make dirty when a i18n related
row is dirty (and also use this column to cache languages).
0.04 03/30/2010
Hard changes to the way 18n related RS works. Now
the auto-created RS has one column per defined one.
Docs updated.
More tests.
0.03 03/24/2010
Added parent as a dependency.
Better order in docs.
0.02 03/24/2010
Overloaded all() to propagate language to rows.
Better docs and a TODO section.
0.01 03/23/2010
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.