Revision history for Perl extension PDL::NetCDFobj
0.01 12/31/97
- original version
0.03 11/30/98
- changed interface: matrix slices indexed with [1,2,3], not long([1,2,3]),
i.e. perl array refs instead of PDLs of type long.
This helps when on 64 bit platforms--PDL long is not necessarily
the same size as the native long used by netCDF as indices (size_t).
Ported to DEC alpha OSF 4.0
Changed name to PDL::NetCDF
0.70 12/16/99
- Added support in 'get' and 'put' for PDL::Char type PDLs to read/write
NetCDF character N-dimensional data as strings.
- NOW REQUIRES PDL::Char (from a recent PDL version) to work!!
0.78 1/20/2001
- Added read support for zero dimensional variables (variables with no dimension, just a scalar)
- Added the ability to reuse an old netCDF object for the 'new' call for similar files.
This speeds up the reading of many similar netCDF files considerably.
0.81 4/11/2002
- Backed out a change which seems to break reading multi-dimension strings into PDL::Chars.
- Added to the MANIFEST to CPAN will recognize that this module should go in the
PDL directory