0.0304 2016-03-28 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Use address rather than localhost for testing.
0.0303 2015-08-02 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* The default protocol is HTTP/1.0.
* Bugfix for 08chunked_req.t: should not use external files.
0.0302 2014-11-16 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Workaround for HTTP::Tiny + Test::TCP conflict, which prevented installing
this package.
0.0301 2014-06-30 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Minor fixes in POD documentation
0.0300 2014-06-28 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Based on Starlight 0.0302
* Does not hang up on daemonize without error log file.
* Bugfix for streaming mode (Use of uninitialized value).
* Requirement for Time::HiRes is optional.
* Suggests Time::TZOffset on Windows.
* Support for "quiet", "user", "group", "umask", "daemonize", "pid" and
"error-log" options.
0.0202 2014-01-21 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Handle SIGINT (ctrl-c) gracefully.
0.0201 2013-12-29 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Unset http_proxy environment variable on tests.
0.0200 2013-12-24 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Based on Starlet 0.21
* Supports HTTP/1.1
* Supports IPv6 and SSL
* Supports UNIX socket
* Thrall::Server class accepts listen_sock as an argument
0.0103 2013-12-11 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Non joined threads are detached. It might increase stability on
* The default loader is Delayed because of problems with preloaded apps by
threaded server.
* New option --thread-stack-size sets a new default per-thread stack size.
* Tests are skipped on Windows because of broken Test::TCP on this
0.0102 2013-07-14 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Increased default max-reqs-per-child to 1000.
* Supports psgix.harakiri mode.
* Supports forks if threads are unavailable.
* More detailed Server header.
* Increased stability on Windows XP and 7.
* Handles errors in threads and converts them into warnings.
0.0101 2013-06-15 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* Build.PL checks if threads are available.
0.01 2013-06-15 Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@cpan.org>
* First CPAN release.